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I know it's late I know it's late but baby I had to update, I had to update lmao


I tossed and turned in the bed yawning with my eyes still closed. I was trying to force myself to stay sleep since my head was killing me. I remembered everything from last night up until I passed out.

Opening my eyes I rubbed them trying to adjust them to the light that was coming through the window.

When I was finally all the way awake I wasn't greeted with the usual red walls I dreaded waking up to. The walls were purple with Greek lettering in gold.

This was not my room.

I panicked pulling the cover back making sure I was fully dressed. I took a sigh of relief when I saw I still had on all my clothes.

As I was about to get up from the bed the door opened.

August walked in looking at me as he grabbed clothes from his drawer.

"Good mawnin." He said with a sly grin on his face refreshing my memory of the events that took place last night.

I tried to find the best way to ask him how I ended up in his bed. I prayed we didn't do anything because if we did I'd hate myself for not remembering such a thing. Lord forgive me.

"If you thinkin' wat I think you are da' answa' is no. When I fuck I want you ta' rememba dis dick."

"Well how did I get in here? I remember falling asleep on the couch." I said really trying to rack my brain for the rest of what took place last night.

"You let yo la' friends sleep in yo room and you passed out on da' couch. I put you in hea' and took da' couch instead. Was dat not okay?" August asked looking over at me as he leaned against the dresser.

"No. It's fine. Thanks for that. I should get out now huh?" I asked noticing him in his towel.

"Unless you want ta' see me naked." He said pretending he was about to drop his towel as I stood up.

"I'm going to go to my room now. Thank you." I rushed out of his room.

As I was standing at my door I heard a door open and whispering coming from it. When I looked up Bash was trying to sneak out of Odell's room.

When she came out she noticed me and jumped.

"Hey Key girl." She said flashing a guilty smile.

"Mmhmm." I mumbled knowing all too well what happened in there.

"What?" She whined looking at me.

"Was it good?" I boldly asked.

The little small she had was now a huge grin.

"Giiiiiiiirl, let me tell you..." She said following me into my room.

With that I already knew what it was.

It wasn't long after that Bash and Rajah left to go home once their hangover subsided.

The whole day I would walk past August and just a simple touch would put me on edge. It was something about him. I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew he was trouble.


It was around the time of rush week and the boys hadn't been active around the house as much. But I definitely seem them on campus trying to break in baby dog recruits.

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