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Sorry for the delay shit been cray #bars lmao


I dashed around Rajah and Bash's dorm scattering different pieces of my things around to make it look as if I really lived there. The two agreed to pretend I lived there to save me from the hell I was sure to receive if my father found out I didn't. Bash wasn't here which made it even better since it was only a two person dorm. My dad called saying he'd be this way around noon and it was almost that time.

"Key it's only so much you can do. Calm down if you stress it too much he gone see right through you." Rajah said stopping me from rearranging the things I'd just rearranged on her dresser.

"You right. I just gotta do like August said and fake it till I make it." I said taking a seat in her rolling chair as I smirked replying to a text from Trey.

Trey🙈😋: I'm hungry

Me: Then eat something then duh lol

Trey🙈😋: come here

Me: 👀😨

She sat on the edge of her bed giving me a dirty look.

"What? Why you looking at me like that?" I asked not liking being out the loop.

She shook her head. "I'm just trying to see how you gone dig your way out these holes you making that's all."

"What holes?" I said really clueless to what she was hinting at.

"You getting cozy with Trey and you getting close with August. I see disaster ahead." She shrugged.

"I'm not doing anything with anybody. I'm living life and having joy. Now Trey yes we might be off to something but August and I are just friends. All the ques are like my brothers." I said honestly.

"And what happens when one of your brothers catches feelings? I'm just saying it could happen."

"I doubt it will but if so I'd rather just cross that bridge when I get to it." I said not wanting to stress over what ifs and maybes.

"Probably not I got high with Chris before we left your house and now I been over thinking everything." She laughed causing me to shake my head and laugh too.

"Wow you gone meet my daddy for the first time stoned? Way to make a first impression Raj." I joked tossing a piece of paper at her.

"Sorry dad I'm a healthy kid I smoke broccoli." She said doing the ugliest shoulder bounce I ever seen while quoting Kodak black.

"Yes ok bitch that's enough you need some milk." I said standing to leave the room.

"And some cereal now that you say something. I'm hungry as hell." Rajah said following behind me.

Her statement made my mind drift to the conversation Trey and I were having. I made a mental note to call him as soon as my father left.

By the time Rajah and I finished our cereal my dad had finally showed up a little after 12.

Letting him in I did my best keep a straight face as Rajah couldn't contain the goofy grin she had after seeing my dad.

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