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either the next chapter or the one after that I'm going to do a time skip maybe about  2 or 3 months depending. It wont be anything too major and I'll explained what was missed in that time period. It's the summer chapters and since they are all split up for the summer I don't want to waste chapters on that . Maybe one but that's about it.


I always found it funny how on the weekend or breaks I'd swear that I was going to sleep in but always woke up super early looking stupid. This morning was one of those mornings. It was our second to last day out here in Florida before we had to drag back to school. I didn't necessarily hate school but it wasn't something I was jumping for joy to get back to is all.

The only people that were up at this point were me Rajah, August, and Chris. Deciding not to wake the other party poopers we got dressed and headed out leaving them behind. We'd planned to go somewhere for breakfast and then head to the mall to do some shopping.

Sitting in the booth at Ihop August sat next to me into his phone while Chris and Raj sat across from us.

"Bro all this time I never knew Ihop stood for international house of pancakes." Chris chuckled palming his forehead. "I legit thought it stood for so dumb shit like... I hop you hop we all hop to I hop." He said in a sing song voice causing August to look up at him blankly as I shook my head.

"Das da dumbest shit you den said all year and dats rare cuz you say dumb shit on da regular." August said placing his phone into his pocket now engaging in conversation with the rest of us.

He'd been into his phone all morning smiling every other second, but it wasn't my business to ask who had all his attention. Instead I pretended not to notice and occasionally pulled out my phone laughing at nothing at all.

"Fuck up nigga." Chris said waving him off. "Worried about me. I'm tryna see what bitch got yo tight ass over there sniggling and giggling." Chris said raising his eyebrow as Aug sipped his drink ignoring his question.

Making a noise as if she was coughing Rajah cut her eyes at me and then August. Shrugging I took my eyes off her looking at my phone. I knew what she was getting at but I honestly had no clue and wasn't going to get my feelings hurt by asking. So I was going to ignore it. He wasn't my man and he could text whomever he liked.

"Why you so quiet Key?" Chris asked oblivious to anything that was going on around him.

"No reason. Just hungry. Ready to eat and shop." I said looking down at my phone that vibrated on the table.

Unlocking it I went to my messages. I'd been texting Trey but it was nothing major just friendly conversation. He was cool to talk to I had to give him that. It wasn't awkward at all. At least not to me.

I'd asked him what he was up to over the break and instead of just just texting me he decided to send a picture.

Before looking at his thread I went to the message that popped up from Rajah.

Big daddy💙: I know it better be you he over there smiling for bitch. I will cut him 👿 - 11:02 a.m

Looking up at her as she burned a hole in my face I shook my head no. August and Chris were talking so our silent conversation went unnoticed to them.

Twisting her knife around Rajah mouthed "You know I'll do it." Causing me to laugh before going to read Trey's message.


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