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"Wait run that by me again." Jay said thinking he'd heard Rajah's statement completely wrong.

"We were at the Kappa party and-" Rajah started before she was cut off.

"Enough said." Chris said already one foot out the door.

August was still in front of me looking at me as if he could see through my soul

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August was still in front of me looking at me as if he could see through my soul. His jaw flexed but he kept a natural expression on his face. I could tell he was upset but anyone else would've assumed he was just thinking too hard. Twisting his lips to the side he followed everyone else outside as did I.

 Twisting his lips to the side he followed everyone else outside as did I

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"Guys it's not what you think." I said behind them finally finding my words after I'd come down from my crying fit.

It was too late though. They were already headed to cause mayhem at the kappa party.

Rajah gave me a look and I shook my head no. I didn't want her to think Trey had anything to do with this because he didn't. I actually wanted to apologize for to him for up and disappearing.

I hoped Rakim was still there so that he could suffer the consequences of his actions and no one else.

When Rajah and I finally made it to the party and caught up with the guys they stood outside the kappa house shirtless. Just like them to be out here half naked and angry.

The kappas were shirtless as well as they argued back and forth.

Taking a deep breath I walked in the middle of the two groups as everyone was standing around outside.

"Back up Key." Odell said not wanting me to get hurt again if shit popped off.

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