Thirty- Seven

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I apologize for the next couple of chapters in advance. Just know when I said I was bringing drama I was serious 🌚


Laying in the bed I was awake but I still had my eyes closed. I really wasn't ready to get up and I knew if I opened my eyes it was over.

Scooting back I thought I'd bump into August as I often did when we were in the bed. We were now back and forth between my apartment and their place just to make us both comfortable. Today I was at hit place. Instead backing into his arms I backed my ass all the way off the bed and onto the floor.

Hitting the hard wood floor with a thud I groaned opening my eyes as I laid there like an idiot.

"Welp now I'm up." I'm grumbled hopping up and making my way around his room grabbing my things so I could go handle my hygiene.

Looking at my phone I seen it was about ten o'clock. I would have preferred to still be sleep at least until noon but I guess two hours wouldn't hurt. I just wanted all my hours before class Monday that's it that's all.

Walking to the restroom is brushed my teeth, washed my face, and through my hair into a ponytail.

I already had a man so I wasn't trying to impress nobody today. Maybe tomorrow I'd go above and beyond. I just would hate to steal some innocent girls man like that.

Looking over my plain natural look for the day I still looked damn good. Turning off the light I went back to Aug's room putting my stuff back and making my way downstairs.

Halfway down the stairs I could over here hushed talking causing me to be nosy as usual and stop in my tracks to listen.

"Im jus' bein' real dat baybeh ain't mine." I could hear August's thick accent say.

"The dates add up though August." A female voice said back.

"So if he da' daddy why you said da' same shit ta' me son? Da' dates don't mean shit if you was fuckin' multiple around da' same time." Ashton said. I could recognize that lingo anywhere.

"I know I just I don't know. She looks a lot like me so I can't really say who she looks like father wise. I'm not sure if she's actually Jay's but I knew he'd take care of her. He was the only one who didn't ignore me when I told him I was pregnant. I knew y'all wouldn't claim her and I was just glad somebody was." The girl said sounding like she was crying.

"Don't cry now. It's too late for tears. It's a baby here now." Chris said sounding like e had some sense.

As I stood on the stairs I could feel somebody creep up behind me. Being mindful that I was snooping I turned around quickly but quietly as Bash and Rajah stood on the step above me.

"What y'all doing?" I whispered.

"Bitch trying to hear just like you." Bash said in a duh tone.

"Oh yea." I said turning back around to hear more. "Wait. Rajah what you doing here? Who shirt you got on?" I asked turning back to rajah squinting my eyes as the two shushed me turning me back around.

They were lucky I wanted to hear this or else I would've busted her sneaky ass.

"After the situation at the strip club I wanted to make sure that Jayceon was really the father. He'd started back selling drugs in order to have more money to give me so that I wouldn't have to strip. I know I sound like a terrible person, but I didn't know what else to do."

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