Thirty- Nine

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🌚🌚🌚 love y'all


Just about everybody was piled up into Key's little ass apartment. All the guys except Jay were getting ready to go to some lake party and the girls were staying in for the night.

"Ashton do you even know the girl who invited y'all to this party?" Rajah asked looking up at him.

"I got a couple classes wit' her and what not. She a cool la' chick." Ash shrugged.

The girl who invited him was a giddy white girl from his class who the girls felt had a crush on him. But that's just the vibe they got from her. Ash was a nice guy so he just assumed she was overly friendly.

"You know I cut people right?" Rajah asked him causing him to laugh nodding his head.

"You think bein' crazy is cute?" He asked her lifting his eyebrow.

"Not at all I'm just warning you." Rajah smiled reaching up to kiss him causing Key and Bash to fake gag.

"Fuck off." The two mumbled pulling out from the kiss.

"Baby why you ain't kissing on me?" Bash asked Odell who was half sleep waiting on slow poke August to come out my room.

"We don't need everybody in our business then they gone be tryna be like us." Odell mumbled.

"You right. You right. I like the way you think." Bash said agreeing with his logic.

Coming out the kitchen munching on a bag of chips Chris joined the rest in the living room.

"Bro this nigga take the longest time in the world to get dressed. I swear he act like he bout to be on GQ magazine." Chris huffed causing the others to agree.

August took longer than the girls sometimes to get ready. He was so indecisive about his outfits and refused to leave the house looking any kind of way. It didn't matter where he was going he was going to look nice regardless.

"Hell yea when we was little he was da' only kid at church with creased church pants and shoulder pads in his suit jacket." Ash laughed.

"Know he bout to have on that loud ass cologne tryna out smell us and shit." Odell chimed in.

"I'm saying. Bro if he got them shades on like it ain't ten o'clock at night we leaving his flashy ass right in this house." Chris said causing them to laugh.

Getting up key mugged them. "Baby they in here talking about you." She yelled walking toward her room.

"Snitch ass." Chris said sticking out his foot to trip her.

Luckily she caught it just in time and stepped over it.

Walking into her room Key sat on the bed watching August stand at her dresser observing his look in the mirror.

"How I look?" He asked turning to face her smirking as she bit her lip.

"Turn around let me see you." She joked smiling big at him as she motioned for him to turn for her.

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