Chapter 3 - Stag in the woods

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It had been three days since the fight with my father and i had been forced to flee in the middle of the night. I was beyond terrified for my future, uncertain as to whether i would have a home to go back to. Sebastian's home was beautiful, a country house and well furnished compared to what i was used to. I stared out the window, Ruby was grazing happily in a field and i smiled, it was nice to see that she was somewhat happy. The valley was sprawled out before me, the hills sitting ominously in the distance. Sebastian had gone out on business, and with nothing better to do i pulled myself out of dark thoughts and headed outside. It would have been a warm day, but the cool breeze cut threw me like a knife. 

Deep in thought i headed down the never ending drive and away from the house. The breeze picked up and made my hair fly back, i still couldn't think, i missed Edward like crazy, there would have been no family arguement if he'd been here, he could always diffuse my father. I soon reached the forrest mouth and, thinking the better of it, avoided it. I was not keen to revist any time soon. Instead i followed the line of it, looking into the dark treeline, a flicker caught my eye. Something darted past and i whipped around, seeking the source of the disturbance. I saw nothing and carried on. Then in the corner of my eye, again. I turned and saw something dancing along the treeline, barely thinking i shot in after it, desperate to glimpse the creature. I followed it, hot in persuit, tripping over large treeroots and uneven earth. Light poured through into a clearing ahead and i saw it. 

A wide eyed stag stood proudly in the sunlight. I watched as it stood, looking warily around it. It was so beautiful, i took a step closer and it still didn't move. Upon spotting me, it turned to look at me and cocked it's head to the side, as if trying to understand who i was. I took another step, this time a branch cracked under my boots. I winced and the stag turned and darted back into the thicket, i dared not to follow, i didn't want to get lost again. I headed out the forest and made my way back to the treeline, my dress snagged and tore, i winced but kept going, i could repair it. A buzzard was soaring over head and then plunged down, snatching up an unsuspecting mouse. I winced and turned away, hearing the galloping of hoof beats. 

I spun to see Sebatian racing towards me on Valient, he didn't look happy. "What the hell Alice?" he roared. I cringed away as he slammed to a halt in front of me. "You couldn't have left a note?"

"I just stepped out for some air!" 

"What, you needed to walk five miles for bloody air!" he fumed. Oops, i hadn't released how far i had walked. "I can walk as far as i like" i said, raising my head, i didn't answer to him. 

"I was worried" he said coldly. I shivered, the ice in his voice scaring me. He held out a hand, as if all anger forgotten, "come on" he sighed, pulling me on behind him. He kicked Valient into gallop and my arms wound around his waist, i leaned into him as much as i could, clinging on for dear life, i hated not having control. He jumped a log and i shrieked in surprise, Sebastian laughed but kept the pace going. "Scared yet, Hardwick?" he mocked.

"Not even close" i whispered in his ear, i felt him tremble and laughed. The thundering of hooves kept up until we pulled to a stop outside the house, he led Valient back to the stables and i headed inside. I took off my muddy boots and walked upstairs, changing into a tight blue dress (which i was told brought out my eyes). It was clean and dry, after taming the tangled nightmare of my hair and thoroughly scrubbing my grubby nails, i headed back downstairs. Sebastian was stood by the fire, "Where were you?" i asked. 

"Getting the details, there's been news..." he said, his voice tight, "the date has been changed, i ship out next week"

"No!" i cried, not Sebastian too! 

"Alice you barely know me" he said dismissevly. 

"I know you well enough" i said, taking a step towards him. He put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Alice, your going to stay at your Aunt and Uncle's farm from next week, we tried talking to your father but, despite having calmed down won't have you back" 

I collapsed into the arm chair, my hand covering my mouth. "What?" i gasped.

"I'm sorry" he said, knowing i had heard. 

Tears rolled down my cheeks and he wiped them away with his thumb, "Alice...please don't cry" he said softly. 

"Why?" i sniffed, "it shouldn't make a difference, we barely know each other, right?" 

My feelings were a tangled mess, confused with this strange, growing feeling towards Sebastian, devestated over the loss of my home and worried sick about Edward. 

"That's not true, i take it back" he said. I rose to my feet. 

"I'll pack my things" i said quietly. 

"No!" he said loudly, jumping in front of me. 

"Why ever not?" i laughed, my voice shaking. 

"I want you to stay" he said. 

"why?" i said, surely there must be some reason?

"I don't know i just do" 

I nodded thoughtfully and walked upstairs, back to my room. I went out and checked Ruby, who was enjoying the evening sun, she lay her head on my shoulder, i stroked her thoughtfully, staring out over the hills, somewhere out there, my mother was cooking dinner, my father sat at our dining table. The sun set over the valley and i headed back inside, i walked straight upstairs, ignoring dinner and sitting down with a pen and paper. I needed to talk to someone who's advice i could count on. 

Dear Edward, 

I miss you cuz, i wish you were here. Shit has well and truly gone down. I can't believe you signed up, i wish i had gotten to say goodbye. We all miss you so much, no doubt the bars in town miss you too! 

I wish we could talk face to face but i know we can't. Be safe and for goodness sake be careful! Promise me Edward. 

I'm currently staying with Sebastian but might be moving in with Aunt and Uncle. I can't go home, after i got upset, my dad kicked me out, so i'm staying with Sebastian, who i am doubly confused about. 

Sorry to be brief but i can't write too much, there isn't time, 

Love Alice 

The sun had set over the valley, making everything dark, the stars shining down like thousands of diamonds from above, clouds lazily floating across the vast expanse of sky. I stood in a lace nightgown, my feet freezing on the cobbled stone floor. There was a knock at the door and i looked up and saw Sebastian come in, his face a mask of pain and confusion. "Screw it" he muttered, his lips crashing against mine. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, then his vitality spread and i found myself responding. My hips folding and back arcing into him and my hands winding into his thick hair. His lips moved unrelenting on mine, not even pausing for breath. When we broke away breathless, he stroked my face, "i'm sorry" he said, dashing out the room, leaving me bewildered and alone in the darkness. 

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