Chapter 47 - Headlines

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Thanks to IonaBaird123 for being great and reading this book (and sharing my hate of Wattpad cliches), and go check out her book 'on the ice' because it's awesome! 


Life for the next three days was peaceful. All was well within the house, and I received a letter from my family inquiring after my well being. I was ecstatic when it arrived, having missed them dreadfully, and was all to keen to write back. 

We were having tea after breakfast and had just finished opening letters. "Is there somewhere I could possible write a letter?" I asked.

"Use my study" said David.

"Thank you so much, I am hoping to send it today" I said.

"Will you be going into the village?" asked Edward.

"Yes, most likely" 

"How do you plan on getting there, would you like the car?"

"Nonsense! It's only three miles, it'll take no time at all" 

"Would you like company?" he asked. 

"If you like, though I won't be very long" 

"Oh damn! I forgot I have an appointment in Gloucester at one, I won't be able to come"
"Never mind, I'll see you tonight" I told him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before departing for David's study. 

Inside the study, light poured through the windows, and the curtains were drawn back to reveal the splendour of the walled gardens. 

I admired the view for a moment before sitting down to write my letter, borrowing Lord Hampton's pen, swirling it in ink before applying it to the page to begin. 

To my dearest family,

I was so delighted to receive your letter, I have missed you all terribly but life here in Gloucestershire has been a big adventure for me! 

I've visited several of the farms on the estate and visited some of the towns with Edward. Lord and Lady Hampton have been very hospitable, which I have thanked them for gladly. Only the other day we went to Ascot to watch the Royal Cup, which was thrilling, the horse I bet on even won! I can't wait to see you all again soon and though we haven't set a date for the wedding yet I know it will not be long now. 

How are you all? I was much relieved to hear all was well in your letter, as I couldn't help but worry. Give my love to Ruby, I do miss our rides dreadfully, but hope that she will join me at some stage and we can replace her on the farm, perhaps she will enjoy life with me as a hunter, Edward says we might be going out riding with the local hunt next week. 

I miss you all and hope to see you soon.


Alice xxx

I sealed the letter and called Robert, one of the footmen to fetch my coat for the walk to the village. I slipped it one and left the house, walking briskly down the road towards the village with a quick pace. 

At some point, I found I was passing through a small wood and found myself whistling along with the chorus of chirping from the birds in the treetops. I smiled happily, out there, I felt truly happy, because I was not reminded I was an outcast, or poor girl, I was just Alice. 

A small bridge was at the end of the woods, and it crossed over a small river. A stone marked on one of the posts stated it had been constructed in 1749, Over 200 years and still standing, perhaps it will stand another 200. 

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