Chapter 12 - Parting is such sweet sorrow

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Chapter title is a quote taken from Romeo and Juliet 


Alice was stood a foot away from the bed, her eyes wide as Matron shouted at her. Her lips were still swollen from my kiss, i shouldn't have done it, but i was powerless to resist. "Luitenant Kingston, don't think i won't inform your superiors" Matron spat at me. 

"Matron, i don't think my superiors will be concerned with this" i said calmly, oozing confidence.

"Really now" she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "you officers are all the same, think you can do what ever the hell you like" 

"We do what we have to on the field, when we get precious time off, we want a little fun" 

"Nurse Hardwick, in my office, now" growled Matron. Alice turned to me, her eyes full of fear, i smiled at her and mouthed "don't worry" 

Matron stalked out the ward, i heard her say to Nurse Callahan "Bring Luitenant Kingston to my office in five minutes" 

Nurse Callahan nodded quickly and huried off. She came back a couple of minutes later, pushing a wheel chair. "Evening Luitenant" she said, placing the chair by my bed. 

"Good Evening, nurse Callahan" i said, smiling innocently at her. She laughed.

"You can't fool me" she laughed, "i've seen you and Ally together" 

"She's something special" i said, as she helped me into the chair. 

"Yes she is" she said, suddenly sounding more serious, she lent down and her face was inches from mine, "hurt my friend, i'll personally see you smothered in your sleep" 

She said it so casually, but with deadly threat looming in her voice. I forced out a laugh, pretending it was a joke. She laughed lightly too, though the sound was also forced. She wheeled me towards the office and i could hear Matron shouting at poor Alice. I could imagine her cowering in the corner of the office. She was so brave but fragile, as Edward had said. Mary knocked tentively on the door, "come in" barked Matron. She pushed the door open and deposited me by Alice's side. 

"You may leave, Nurse Callahan" Matron said frostily. 

She nodded and hurried out quickly, nearly running into Doctor Reynolds and Doctor Aintree on the way out. She hurried down the corridor, and i knew she'd hear all about this later from Alice. "What's all the fuss Matron?" asked Doctor Reynolds, "we're very busy" 

"Doctor, these two" she snarled, pointing an accusing finger at us, "have been caught behaving inapporopriatly on the ward and i won't stand for it!" 

"How inappropriate?" sighed Doctor Aintree, clearly bored.

"They were kissing and touching each other!" she spluttered, her face turning puce. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter. I took Alice's hand and squeezed it, giving her a wink, making her giggle. 

"See!" Matron shouted. Alice quickly dropped my hand and stared at the floor. 

"Matron, did you really interupt our busy scheduals over something so trivial?" said Doctor Reynolds.

"But...But...they're behaviour!" 

"Matron," said Doctor Aintree firmly, "all i see is two young people clearly in love, or at least courting and due to our current situation, anything that brings fleeting happiness is to be encouraged, however" he said, turning to us, "if your going to do things like that, try and be more discreet"

Alice nodded, wiping the tears that had fallen from her eyes away quickly.

"And i don't know what you said to this young women Matron, but it better not happen again" said Doctor Aintree, smiling at Alice, then glaring at Matron.

"Yes sir" said Matron, looking embaressed.

"Off you go you too, Nurse Hardwick, please escort Luitenant Kingston back to his ward" 

"Yes sir" said Alice, wheeling me out the room. Once in the safety of the corridor, i began to laugh. 

"What is so funny?" she sniffed, i couldn't see her expression but could tell she didn't find this funny.

"Did you see the look on Matron's face?" i said, laughing harder. 

"Yes" she said tightly, "i'm very surprised i'm not being shipped back to England, or to the hospital at the somme, it's really dependant on her mood" 

"Wait" i said, filled with dread, "she can't send you to the somme, can she?" 

The Somme was one of the most dangerous places in France, it had a reputation among soldiers for being the deadliest and to my imagining, even the hospitals in the area wouldn't be safe. "With approval of my superiors she can" she said, her voice bitter.

"You can't let her!" i argued.

"I have no choice" she said.

"You could quit" i suggested.

"You can't, it's like the army, you volunteer, your in for the long haul, besides i don't want to" 


"Would you quit the army?" she countered.

"No" i said, "i wouldn't"

"There's your answer then" she said, sounding smug. We stayed silent for a while as she led me back to the ward. She put her arm around me and gently lifted me into the bed. I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming. Once in the bed, Alice turned to leave. 

"No" i said, unaware i was even saying it, "stay" 

She turned and looked at me, her face streaked with tears and her nose red. "Okay, i have to take the chair back first though" she wheeled it out the ward and came back minutes later, her eyes now brimming with unshed tears. "Sit with me" i pleaded, needing her presense. 

She complied sitting beside the bed, i opened my arms and she immediatly bolted into them, her tears staining my pyjamas. "Sorry" she whispered.

"It's okay" i soothed, stroking her hair, i couldn't work out why she was so upset, "what did matron say?" 

She tensed up, "you can tell me" i said.

"That i...i am a worthless...disgusting....harlet! And-d-d that i should be sent packing for my disgraceful behaviour, then she said she's going to send me away" 

"Away where?" i asked, teeth clenched trying to hide my anger. 

"I don't know, she didn't specify, she just said that i'd go somewhere i couldn't use my bad influence on bright young officers like yourself"

"Bull shit! Alice, your" i didn't know where i was going with this and had quite frankly stopped caring, "your the most amazing person i've ever met, the only girl i've ever loved and even though i've only known you a short time, i know that even if i die, i've loved" 

"What?" she gasped, sitting up, and staring at me, her huge eyes wide and fearful, afraid of rejection, it made my stomach clench and my heart panged with love and pity for this poor girl.

"I love you, Alice Hardwick" i said softly. 

Her face twisted and she closed her eyes as if coming to terms with it, "I love you Edward" she said, her face lifting, her eyes glimmering. I wrapped my arms around her neck and then we were kissing. She was glowing, we were glowing, this was right. She surrounded me, my lips crushing hers, our bodies now a tangled mess on the bed, the only thing concealing us a thin privacy screen. Her lips were so soft, softened by her tears, her hands wound in my hair and i growled primatively. I broke away first and smiled at her, kissing her nose. "Someone's coming" i whispered and she bounced off the bed and sat in the chair. 

Doctor Reynold's appeared and smiled at us, "congradulations Luitenant Kingston, your being shipped back to blighty tomorrow morning, Nurse your also being transfered" 

"Where?" i asked.

"Your going to the gloucestershire hospital for the wounded soldiers" 

"No" i said hastily, "where's Alice going?" i was only concerned for her. 

"Nurse Hardwick, your going to St. George's quick response unit hospital" 

"Where is that?" she asked, her voice small.

"The Somme" 

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