Chapter 16 - Invitations

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I miss you so much, please keep writing and stay safe. 

All my love, 


I held onto the letter like a lifeline, running the line through my head, over and over, all my love. I still couldn't wrap my head around it, that this wonderful, perfect man was in love with me. What had i done to deserve it? According to Madame Hermione, i would do the unspeakable, and i was still trying to work out what that was. What would i, could i do, that was so unspeakable? 

I also felt sick, i had just dealt with another amputation, the fourth this month, it was getting out of hand. Infections were common, but it was getting out of hand, according to my cousin, they had seen rats as big as cats in the trenches. The thought made me shudder. 

I put the letter in my box, it was a small, carved box, given to me by my grandmother before she died. It was beautiful, carved with thousands of intricate flowers, each one tiny yet perfect. I stroked the box, running my hands of the carvings before swiftly undoing the latch. I folded the letter back up carefully placing the letter inside, along with the others. It lay among my other treasures; a lock of Ruby's mane, the necklace my mother gave me, and letters, i kept every one. 

A knock at the door alerted me to the start of my shift, ripping me away from my memories. I closed the door to my room behind me quietly and jumped slightly when i saw Gregory standing outside my door. He gave me a small smile and handed me a letter. It was made from thick, heavy card, it had been written using a type writer. My name was printed on the front and i opened it curiously. 

Alice Hardwick, 

This letter is too inform you that your annual leave has been schedualed, from 12th February to 2nd March 1915. During this time you are free to visit your family and are completely independant. You must return to the London Institute by no later than 19.00 on 2nd March. 

Thank you for your continued service, 

The royal college of nursing, London. 

I grinned ear to ear, a huge smile splitting my face. Home. Sweet longing filled my soul and i counted the days, in fourteen days i'd be home, i can visit Edward. 

My heart could have burst, "go on" whispered Gregory. I hugged him briefly, startling him, then ran down the corridor, filled with glee. Home, home, home, home. The words echoed and buzzed around my brain. "What's so funny Nurse Ally?" asked Private McCraw. 

"Oh, honey" i said, stroking his face, making him blush, "i'm going home"

England was exactly how i left it, but colder. Snow covered the ground like a thick blanket and i smiled, breathing in the salty air, i stuffed my free hand into my pocket, pulling my trunk along behind me, heading towards the train station that would take me to Edward. I jumped into the carriage and wheeled my case down the row, lifting my trunk onto a shelf (with difficulty) and sliding onto one of the seats. A soldier sat opposite me, his cap covering his face, sleeping soundly. He had a proud, chiselled jaw and full lips. A lock of dark hair escaped from his hat and i smiled fondly, he looked like Sebastian. I pushed the thought away, EDWARD! I pushed his image to the front of my mind and tried to forget Sebastian. 

I stared impassively out the window as the train lurched forwards, thundering along the tracks. I smiled fondly at the snow covered fields and frost bitten landscape, so familiar, so perfect. 

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