Chapter 14 - Christmas on ward 42

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It was December. I hadn't seen Alice in nearly three months. She had written but i missed her, writing wasn't enough for me anymore. I had insisted my family weren't informed i was back, because i knew Cecelia would find out, and i had no desire to see her. I didn't love her, i loved Alice. I missed her touch, her voice, her gentle ways, though it seemed she had proved that she wasn't as fragile as i had thought over the last few months. I wasn't sure how pleased i was about this. 

"How you feeling today, Luitenant?" asked Emily, a nurse who had been helping me since i got here. Checking my eyes, my bandages and such. "Good thanks, yourself?" 

"Not to bad" she said casually, checking my temperature. 

"Any news from your family?" she asked.

"No, i haven't told them i'm here, and they never bothered to write while i was in France, so why should they know where i am now" i said, i sounded bitter, and i couldn't help it. 

"Well, that's an awful shame" she said, "how's your friend, Alice isn't it" 

Now this was a subject i could talk about. "She's doing really well, just last week she made a run to the back lines to pick up injured men, apparently their letting her drive the carriage now" i said proudly.

"You must be very proud, are you two courting?" she asked.

"Well, sort of" i said.

"Luitenant your blushing!" she accused. 

"She's special" 

"She sounds it" Emily agreed, "she's lucky to have you"

"More like i'm lucky to have her" i said laughing, "are you going home for christmas?" 

"Yes, i'm really lucky, not a lot of the girls are getting to but since i'm local i can be spared" 

"That's nice" i said, happy for her.

"Yes, like i said, i feel blessed" she said, pulling back the sheets.

"Oh!" she said, "i mustn't forget, you have a letter!" 

"Thanks," i said.

"Probably from your girl" she said with a wink, "looks like there's a present or something in it"

I ripped it open and saw a letter with a small parcel stuffed into the envolope. 

I looked and saw it was from Alice, written her loopy writing. 

Dear Edward, 

Hope your okay and recovering, there have been casualties over here so i'm pleased your not here. 

I am writing from St. George's but there is a possibilty i could be moved, i'll let you know. I enclosed a small present, i'm sorry it isn't much but it's a small token of my love. 

I shook the box before continuing to read. 

I really miss you, but i'm glad your safe. Everytime i see another soldier come in i keep seeing you in the state you were in when you first arrived in Ypres. It brings tears too my eyes, so i can't dwell on it, the only thought that keeps me going is the one that your safe back home. 

All my love, 

Alice x

I smiled fondly at the letter and opened the small package. It was a small bullet, i gulped but then looked at the side where there was a small inscription. For Edward Kingston, you are my fate. 

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