Chapter 55 - Mountain tops

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The next morning, I woke at dawn. The sun rose above the lake outside, the early morning light creeping through the thin drapes of the room. I walked across the room, casting a glance at Edward who slept peacefully, his face relaxed and mouth ajar in sleep. 

I opened the curtains enough to unlock the balcony door and snuck outside. The metal was cool beneath my touch, the brass shining. I tied the belt of my dressing gown tighter, the only thing covering my nakedness beneath. 

Sitting on the ledge, I admired the view. The lake was calm and peaceful, tiny ripples fanning across it's serene surface. Climbing over the ledge, I sat on the marble railing, holding on tightly so I wouldn't fall. My feet dangled over the edge, the breeze tickling my soles. 

Birds chirped cheerfully around me, and the flowers swayed in the wind, I rolled my head back, closing my eyes and allowing the sun's rays to drench me with warmth and light. 

Looking at my left hand, I watched my engagement ring glimmer. It refracted the sun's rays, sending them shooting in a thousand directions. I recalled the way it gleamed in candle light, like it had the night before. 

Lost in thought, I didn't hear Edward come out, only conscious of his presence as strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back against his chest. "Morning" he said. I moaned in response as his hands cupped my breasts. His hot breath tickled my ear and I gripped the marble tighter. His fingers played with my belt and when I realised he was undoing it, I swatted his hand away. "Edward! Someone will see!" 

He laughed, "If I thought someone would see, I wouldn't be doing this" he assured me.

I eyed him suspiciously. "No Edward"

Ignoring me, he undid the belt and trailed his hands over my shoulder, pushing off the gown, leaving it pooled at my feet. 

Moving my hands, I quickly covered myself, blushing wildly and glancing round as if expecting a crowd in the middle of nowhere. 

Edward moved my hands and gazed over my body. He licked his lips and ran his hands over my skin, leaving goosebumps in his wake. 

I shivered and he said, "sit on the ledge" 

Doing as I was told, I sat down, the coolness of the stone making me jump slightly but hightening my senses. He knelt in front of me, pushing my legs apart. "W-w-what are you doing?" I asked.

He grinned wickedly and kissed my knee, squeezing the other with his hand. "Don't fall" he warned me.

Pushing my legs wider, I felt embaressed but this was overshadowed as he placed a series of kisses up each thigh. "Edward what are you-"

He cut me off by simply placing a now cool hand on my breast, rendering me speechless as he bent his head to kiss me where I'd never known it possible to be kissed.


It was eleven o'clock by the time we made it out the bedroom. I was wearing a pink lace dress, which stopped mid-calf. Edward and I drove out into the lakes that afternoon, following the road around the lakes edge and picnicking in the woods. 

We lay stretched out on a blanket surrounded by trees. Light peaked through the canopy above but the shade was welcomed in the heat of the day. I lay on my back, and Edward fed me strawberries. I sucked on the sweet fruit before sinking my teeth into the delicate skin, which resulted in more love making as Edward accused me of arousing him.

Ever since Eddie's death, we had been coming to terms with the fact I might never be able to have children, so were being anything but careful, to be honest we were being completely reckless. Pregnancy didn't cross our minds, and we didn't allow it too, choosing to indulge ourselves and enjoy our time together in this perfect place. 

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