Chapter 26 - Parcels, Poems and Peaches

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"Shit!" said Alistair, running in and finding us passed out without our gas masks. He had his own securly latched to his face and I slurred something at him. He rolled his eyes and hurridly rumaged around the room, looking for a mask. I slumped on my back and felt something covering my face, i tried to remove the obstruction but strong, calloused hands prevented me. I lay back on the bed, passing out once again, not noticing the thick fog rolling into the small room.

I did't even stir as i was dragged into the open and dumped on a bench along with Johnny. 

When i woke, i heard Alistair talking to the captain. "How did you find these two?"

"They were passed out, sir, gas got 'em, reckon i got there just in time to stop 'em dying" he said, sounding sure of his story.

"Well done, Private, you have shown incredible determination" 

"Thank you sir" he said, turning to us as the Captain left and ripping the masks from our faces. 

"You bloody fools!" he hissed, rank and class forgotten. 

"What day is this?" said Johnny with a yawn, "and where am i?"

"You are outside as you should be, during a gas attack!"

"Oh..." i said, "ermm...oops?" It was all i could think of.

"Oops!" he almost yelled, "You both nearly died, i got there just in time to get the masks on, you were bloody lucky" 

"Hold your tongue, private" snapped Johnny, and i kicked him.

"Sorry Alistair, and thanks for saving our sorry arses" i said.

He looked somewhat less angry after i said this and nodded curtly, before walking away.

"I'm going to have words with him...thinking he can speak to his superiors-" 

I cut him off, "he saved our lives! Don't be such a moron or so ungrateful!"

"I wasn't-" 

"Yes, you were" i said, getting up to find Alistair. I clutched my head and leaned against the wall, bits of it crumbling away as i did. Shuffling forwards i saw the back of Alistair's head as he talked with the others and tapped him on the back, he spun around and faced me angrily. 

The others also looked furious and i didn't blame them. "Just wanted to apologise for Coprol Peterson and say i'm sorry to and thank you for saving our miserable arses"

He processed this and smiled, "any time sir"

I smiled and went back to my room, passing out into a dreamless sleep the minute my head hit the pillow. 


The next few weeks were hard ones, we suffered heavy losses as a regiment as the gunners plowed us down in our futile attempts to capture the trench. I had another highly anticipated letter from Alice, accompanied by a parcel. It contained more socks, peaches and some chocolate, i knew she wasn't rich so the chocolate must have cost her dearly. 

I read her letter, catching up on events; 

Dearest Edward,

I hope all is well in France, things are not so bad here, summer is finally beginning to arrive and I wish you were here to see it. The flowers are starting to blossom again and the leaves are returning to the all to bare trees. 

I wish i could see you again, I often find myself thinking of you and wishing for your presence, i pray that the war will end soon and we will be reuntited again. 

I don't know if you've seen the latest poem by that woman, but it is truly shocking and totally inaccurate. She has written another poem, I put a copy in, i was disgusted, it's called 'who's for the game?' I just knew your lot would want to see it.

I can't believe it's been so long since i've last seen you, i'm coming back to France in September and back to St. George's. We won't even see each other, i'm closer to the Somme than Ypres, but i'm glad your safer in Ypres than the Somme, so for that i am so grateful. 

I love you so much darling, please stay safe.

All love, 


P.S there is a flask of brandy hidden in the tin of peaches! 

I shook the tin and found it, i admired her cleverness, managing to sneak this past inspectors. She was a wonder. I took a sip and tucked it into my pocket before picking up the paper clipping. The poem was inaccurate and very disrespectful, she was crossing to many lines was Pope.

I showed the poem to the others and they all agreed, stupid. We all lit a match and set fire to it before trampling it into the mud. I told the lads about Alice hiding the flask in the can and they all agreed, she was brilliant. 

I carried on with my rounds after putting my things into my room. I could hear a faint echo of music and looked around the corner to find Copral Cane sitting with his head in his hands, tears running down his mud freckled face. Cane was ten years older than myself and had a family, he looked desolate and held in his hand a crumpled letter. He wasn't in my crew, nor were we particular friends, but i felt i should inequire after his well being. 

"Everything alright, copral?" 

He sniffed and quickly wiped away the tears from his eyes and looked at me. "You can tell me" 

He looked at me skeptically and then punched the wall, bits of mud falling down from it. 

"My daughter has TB, she's very ill and on my salary, we can't afford a doctor"

"I'm so sorry"

"She's only four years old! She doesn't deserve to die, and my poor Emily, facing this alone..."

"Perhaps i can help?" i offered, feeling compelled to help this poor man.

"I don't see how sir" he said miserably. 

"Come with me" I said, rising to my feet, he followed me back to my room and i got out an old cheque book, it was battered by war and i honestly didn't know why on earth i'd brought it, but i had good cause to use it now. "Your wife's full name?"

"Emily May Cane" he said quickly. I wrote out a cheque for £5 and handed it too him.

"This is too much sir" he said, handing it back. 

"Are you putting a price on your daughter's life?" i questioned.

He glared at me, balling up his fists, "How could you even suggest-" 

"Take the money" i said, "trust me, i can afford it"

He shook my hand and smiled at me warmly, "God bless you sir!" he said, running back to his own team, rejoycing at the news. 

I smiled at this, it was hope. Hope that the small Cane child would live, hope the war would end, hope i would see Alice. 

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