Chapter 9 - Brothers

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"What?" he said, dropping his cigarette. 

"I know your cousin" i said.

His eyes narrowed and his fists clenched, "How, exactly? And i'd be careful on what you say next" he warned, looking formiddable. "Mix up in letters, i got one adressed to you, i sent it on, i don't know if you ever got but we got writing and well, we haven't stopped" 

His whole stance changed, "she's been writing?" 

"Yes, apparently, she misses you" i add.

"Yeah, we were more like brother and sister" he said, running a hand through his air, "so you've never met?" 

"No" i clarify. 

"What did she write?"  he asked anxiously, "is she okay?" 

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation elsewhere?" i suggested. He nodded his head and his friends dispersed. 

"Talk" he said, his voice not one to be reckoned with and i didn't want to fight with him. 

"What would you like to know?" i ask, rank seemed to have been forgotten and he was talking to me as a relative concerned for someone he cared about, who was stuck on the other side of the channel. "Everything" he demands, "is she okay?" 

"She seems to be now" i say carefully, i'm aware people are staring and don't want a scene, to me questions. 

"What do you mean 'seems to be'?" he snarled.

"She had a bad time of it" i said. 

"Explain" he says, so i tell him, not some of the jokes between the two of us, but a rough outline of what had happened, things i felt he would want to know. When i finish, he stares at me, dumbfound. "I'll fucking kill Uncle David" he growled, shaking with anger. 

"She seems better now" i say, "happy by the sounds of her letters" 

 He gruffs and smiles a little, "she could always make trouble, our Ally" he said fondly. 

"Sounds like" i grin, he grins back and shakes my hand, then salutes.

"At ease private" i laugh, he still grinning and i slap him on the arm, "lets go get lunch" 

It was such a normal thing to do, and i grinned. Sitting down with a group of lads from Northumbria and a couple of my own, we all sat and talked, it took my mind away from poor Fender, i prayed he would be okay, Johnny was still sat in the medical bay but i knew he was okay and tucked into my tinned peaches, savouring the sweet flavour. It was the usual talk, jokes about our superiors, hidden away in their bases, the war, the kaiser, the krauts. I glanced over and saw Albert sat at the medical centre, he was watching, his eyes looked sad, " 'scuse me" i said quietly, getting up, they watched me leave before carrying on the conversation, i pocketed some peaches on the way past. 

"Hungry?" i asked, Albert nodded, i handed him the can.

"Thanks" he said, his accent strong. He pryed the can open and poured the contents down his throat. "You didn't come back" he accused.

"Sorry, my mate nearly died in an explosion by your guys" 

"Interesting turn ov phrase, no?" he said, "your guys" he mimicked.

I stayed silent, staring impassively, "your point?" 

"Well it was you that chained me to a wall" 

"You wouldn't shut up" i said, he grinned and i had a feeling, despite being 'enemies' we were becoming friends. 

"You did shoot me" he countered. I laughed and he did too, good no hard feelings, his leg was bandaged and looked pretty healthy, i was pleased he had been seen to. "They're sending me to you say prisoner of war camp?" he said.

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