Chapter 36 - The future

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Winter morphed it too spring, and slowly but surely, life began returning to the village. The after math of the war was evident everywhere though, faces missing in the pub, young men I used to dance with at socials gone. Permenantly. Lost to the war, just like my Edward.

I stood in a dress makers, watching ice dribble down from the gutters and sighed wistfully. I had been putting this off, but as my wedding drew closer there was no avoiding it. 

The dress maker, Mrs. Park, was busy fussing, something about the latest style of dress, the one she'd picked out was straight with lots of lace, not at all my style. I could not summon up the necessary enthusiam, much to her disgust. I was not excited about the wedding at all, to me, the chimes of the church that day would mark the end of my freedom, my wedding ring a symbol of enslavement. 

When i'd finished, I decided to walk around the shops a little while, I never really visited morpeth, and the bus wasn't coming till later. Women in fine clothes walked through the shops, looking at finery I would no doubt be forced into. With Edward, the prospect had been exciting, to become a new person, now they were simply possessions, with no particular meaning. 

Heavy hearted, I sat on a park bench, under the great canopy of trees, content to be alone for a moment. My aunt had wanted to come, as had my mother, but I put them off, saying they'd be bored, it was only a dress fitting. 

Walking to a news stand, I bought a paper and sat again on my park bench, opening it and reading it. The press had moved on from the war, on to another story, I so wanted just to move on, but i'd lost too much, changed too much. 

When five came, I handed over my sixpence and got on to the bus, sitting at the back and staring out the glass panes. This was something I could not get used to, buses. Well just cars in general, the last four years had brought on a sudden and frightening transformation. Motor vehicles on the country lanes, and it scared me. It seemed everything was moving forward, bar myself. 

The country passed me by out my window, it was strange I knew so many of the owners of the land around the area. On my left, I watched as the Dustain plot passed me, their sheep and cattle scattered over the green fields, tall hedges penning them in. 

When my stop finally came, I got off opposite the pub and spotted Harrogate across the green, I pretended I had not seen him and hurried away out the village until I was down the lane. Unfortunately, I didn't get far, I heard my name being called. I carried on, acting as if I had not heard, simply refusing to acknowledge it. 

Half way home, I was hoping I had escaped, I wasn't that lucky.

A car sped up behind me, and I jumped into the hedges to avoid being hit, it was Harrogate and he was furious.

 "What the hell? Did you not hear me?" he yelled, I cringed, we were far away from the village now that no one would hear us shouting.

I shook my head, pleading ignorance. Unfortunately he didn't believe it. "See, now why don't I believe you?" he sneered, "get in" 

"No" I said, "sorry, I find the walk will do me good"

"Get in the car, Alice" he barked.

"You are not my slave master! I am not your puppet, or some toy to be played with! If I say I wish to walk, then I shall!"

He was beyond angry now, he looked as if he might combust. Literally, he had gone puce, line forming across the wrinkled forehead and his eyes gleaming with evil intent.

"You are too be my wife! Do as I say!" he roared.

"I am not yours yet, do well to remember it!"

"Do not give yourself, Alice Hardwick! Remember who you are"

"And who am I?" I challenged.

"You are a poor farmers daughter from some bankrupt farm! You are my fiancee, and you are nothing, you're dirt without me"

"I may have too marry you, but I don't like you" I hissed.

"Don't challenge me, Hardwick, we are miles from the village, no one will hear you if you scream"

"That's a crime, and i'll have you for everything you've got"

He laughed, "Who are they going to believe, a gutter rat? Or a respected, middle class gentleman?"

"You are anything but respected" I spat. Then he slapped me, leaving a harsh sting across my cheek, my mouth filled with the coppery taste of blood, I turned to glare and give some crude reply when a voice interuppted me, one so familiar and sweet, and one that brought so many feelings rushing back. I hadn't noticed Harrogate gripping my arms tightly, his fingers bruising my flesh. Until the voice said, "Put her down"

I turned and was greeted with the most wonderful sight i'd ever seen. Edward. Alive, well and...seriously pissed off. 

"Who the hell are you?" asked Harrogate, not slackening his grip an inch. I struggled and the grip tightened, until I yelped, at which point Edward charged forward and grabbed me, pulling me out of Harrogate's grasp and into his side. His arm snaked around me and he held me close, "Don't come near her again" 

"Give her back, she's my fiancee! And who are you?" said Harrogate, lunging for me, Edward pushed me back out the way and raised his fist and said, "Luitenant Edward Kingston" Right before he punched Harrogate squarely in the nose. He stumbled back, surprised by Edward's strength and steadied himself on his car. 

Edward extended his hand to me and I took it gladly, Harrogate stumbled and got into his car, before speeding away shouting, "You haven't heard the last of this!"

As soon as he was gone, Edward wrapped his arms around me and wiped the tears falling from my eyes. "You're alive!" I rejoyced, over and over, running my hands along his arms, through his hair, convincing myself he was real. 

"Oh, my Alice" he said, pulling me tighter into him, I stained his shirt, wiping my eyes I looked at him and said, "Are you real? It's not a dream"

"It's not a dream" he said, caressing my cheek, "I'm so sorry"

"They said you died, or probably had"

"I was a prisoner of war, we got captured and well..i'd rather not speak of the rest at this moment"

I nodded and looked at him, "My world stopped when you weren't in it, there was nothing, it was just a...void, the thought that I'd lost you was too much"

He looked at me before his eyes glinted and his lips found mine, his fingers knotted in my hair and pulled me closer, his tongue was warm and he tasted of everything I loved, he was my...everything, and I knew i'd met my match with him. When we broke apart, we joined together again almost instantatiniously, making up for lost time. 

He murmured my name into my hair and I held onto him, as if I would fly away if I let go. He released his grip slightly and pulled back too look at me, he studied my face then asked a question I'd been dreading, "What did that bastard mean, when he said 'fiancee'?"

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