Chapter 44 - Maidenhood

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Dinner that night was decidedly less awkward. Lady Hampton was now glaring at her food instead of me, David had clearly said something to her, and Cecelia was not in attendance. Edward's friend, George was however. 

George was about six foot and had waves of blond hair matched with a handsome face, it was safe to say he must have broken some hearts along the way. "George and I got put in different battalions during the war, so I haven't seen the bugger in years" George told me. 

"It must be lovely to reunite after such a long time"

"That it is, war tends to make you miss the things you once took for granted" He took a large slug of port and I said, "Yes, it does"

Edward came up behind me as we we're talking, he took my hand and kissed it, "ravishing" he said. I turned scarlet and George laughed, "get a room!" 

Everyone had their seats and quiet chatter resumed around the table, I was taken aback when Lady Hampton asked, "have you two decided on a date?"

I stared open mouthed and Edward laughed at my obviously hilarious expression. "Not yet, mother, but we will decide soon"

"Obviously you'll be married here, if your going to embarrass society I won't have you embarrass it further"

"I thought we would marry in the north?" I said. 

"Well, we can always-"

Lady Hampton cut him off, "it would be much more convenient to marry here"

I didn't reply, intending to talk to Edward about it later. "Have you been dress shopping yet?"

"No, not yet" I said, "I've been trying to save some money to buy a dress"

"I can buy your dress" protested Edward.

"And here I was think the bride's family pay for everything, but I can't see that happening" quipped Lady Hampton. 

"Emily!" hissed David.

"Oh, it's only truthful" she said, taking a bite of beef. 

I coughed a little and quietly apologised. "Country girls" sniffed Lady Hampton, "tell me, Alice, what fashions do you normally wear?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You know what I mean, styles, do you go to harrods, or Milton's?"

"Your ladyship, someone in my humble position does not shop at such places" I said.

"Do you plan on making your own wedding dress?"

I didn't answer. She laughed heartily, "Oh I can see it now! Just stay away from my curtains, I don't care if that's what you usually use"

Biting my lip, I placed my knife and fork across my plate and stood, the gentlemen all stood as I did, "Please forgive me, I feel rather unwell, and feel it best I should return to my room"

Without waiting for anyone's comments or permission, I ran up the stairs. I could hear shouts behind me, and knew I was the source of such chaos. I heard footsteps running up the stairs and turned to see Edward running down the corridor. Tears slipped unbid down my cheeks and I dashed into his open arms gladly. 

He held me against him while I cried softly. Downstairs I could hear more shouting. "Sorry" I said.

"Don't be" he snarled, "it was all my mother's fault"

I was surprised by his anger, and winced as he gripped me tigher, "I wish we could just leave this damn place"

"Why can't we?" I asked, my voice a plea. I knew it was wrong, that it was selfish, but I couldn't help but ask regardless. 

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