Chapter 7 - Fire and Blood

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It was weeks later i told my aunt and uncle, they were surprisingly calm. They said they were actually quite proud, and that they'd look after Ruby while i was gone. I knew she'd be in good hands, they had also told my mother, who came to see me. Now i was stood in my room, a case lying open on the bed, dresses and other belongs surrounding it. 

Sighing, i folded another dress and placed it in the case neatly, plenty of underwear, woolen tights and a cardigan knitted by grandmother before she passed. It meant a lot and i hugged it tightly before putting it in with the rest of my clothes. I smiled fondly at some of the other item i had locked safely in a small box; a lock of Ruby's mane, an old necklace, letter's from luitenant Kingston (whom i had informed of my leaving) and a flower Sebastian had given me, which my aunt had crystilised for me, so it would be forever preserved. 

"Hurry up Alice!" called my aunt.

"Coming!" i yelled, and hurridly packed up the rest of my things before dragging the trunk behind me as i ran through into the hall. She pulled me into a tight, "for goodness sake be careful!" 

"Thank you so much" i said, choking slightly, "for having me..."

"Don't thank us! You've been a huge help!" she said, tearing up herself. 

My uncle gruffed, "be safe" 

He hugged me and said "love you, honey" resulting in more tears from me.

After a moment he gruffed "Go on, you need to get to the village"

A cab was picking me up so i was pleased, it saved walking or getting a lift. I loaded my trunk onto the back of the coach and took a final look at the house that had become my home, i wiped a tear from my eye and stepped into the coach, saying goodbye to everything i knew. 


3 weeks later 

I hurried down the corridor, clutching a pile of books to my chest, my uniform skirt flying out behind me. I made it to the lecture hall on time by some miracle, matron gave me a frosty look as i took my seat, Dr. Bartley was already talking so i scribbled down notes in my messy scrawl, i had never written so much in my life. We had to how to deal with injuries and basic care, i wasn't great with blood so.... 

I held my nerve and when the lecture finished i left. Unlike becoming a real nurse, i didn't have to take final exams, just learn and go, i only had one week to go before shipping out. We were going to Ypres (a name i could barely pronounce).  I hadn't heard fantastic things, but they desperately needed more staff. I was still writing to Luitenant Kingston (whom i was now calling Edward). 

I smiled fondly at a letter i had hidden in my book, his handwriting was perfect, each letter perfectly formed and rounded, so sure of each word. Mine paled in comparison, a messy, barely legible scrawl with plenty of ink blots. I hoped he didn't mind. I had gotten another from him this morning and couldn't help but keep rereading it over and over. I was desperate to reply, though i couldn't tell him where i was shipping out, i could tell him i was going and then tell him from there. I laughed and people shot me funny looks, Edward was actually hilarious. 

Despite being happy, i was desperatly worried, Edward (my cousin) still hadn't replied to my letters, and Sebastian hadn't been in touch at all, i had written, but he had never answered. I headed off to the mess hall, hoping for a descent lunch. I got a tray and picked out lunch, "Alice!" called Mary. 

She was sat on a table with sevral of my new friends. "Alice, how was your lecture?" 

"Alright" i said with a shrug, "how was your practical?" 

She rolled her eyes, "thrilling, i can't wait to get out there"

"Same" i said, of course we were both going for different reasons. 

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