Chapter 43 - Country life

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The next day, I was woken up at seven thirty. It was a sharp wake up call, and I was hurrendously tired, since sleep had ivaded me the night before. Brenda came in and helped me dress (which was extremely odd, no one had dressed me since I was a child) and informed me breakfast would be at eight thirty in the parlor. 

I was left alone at eight, which gave me half an hour to pace anxiously and worry about my outing with Lord Hampton that day. Desperately, I hoped Edward would come, just to break the ice a little. At twenty five past, I made my way down the staircase, passing the servants as I went. They all scurried past, avoiding eye contact, some glared at me murderously as if I was some outside threat. 

When I reached the parlor, Lord Hampton was already sat down buttering his toast, Edward was attacking a poached egg and Lady Hampton was nowhere to be seen. "Good morning" said David brightly. I replied swiftly and sat down, Edward nodded, his mouth still full of egg. "Hello Edward" 

He held up his hand, signalling me to wait then swolled, "Good morning"

"Sleep well?" I inquired.

He shook his head, "you?"

I shook mine too, apparently we'd both been plagued by similair nightmares. "All set for our excurtion today, Alice?" asked David, distracting me from unpleasant thoughts.

I smiled and responded enthusiastically, "yes, Brenda has picked out an appropriate outfit for the occasion" 

He beamed, obviously pleased I was starting to, somewhat, adjust to their lifestyle. "Are you coming, Edward?"

He shook his head, "Mr Hughes and I don't get on"

David sighed and said, "no excuse really"

"It is actually, since George and I are going shooting, I haven't seen him since before the war, it'll be good to catch up"

I blinked in surprise, he hadn't mentioned this. "He rang yesterday" Edward explained before I could ask, "marvellous invention telephones, aren't they?"

"Make life so much easier" agreed David. I simply nodded, i'd never even used one. 

"Did you have one at home, Alice?"

"No, I've never used one" I admitted. 

"Then we'll have to rectify the situation as soon as possible" Edward declared. I laughed, a genuine one at that and sipped my tea, far too bitter for my liking, but I did not want to appear greedy by taking another spoonful of sugar. Edward saw this and dumped another load in my tea, he knew how I liked it. 

David frowned but instead of glaring at me, looked at his toast. "I'll go and change, then we'll leave in half hour?"

"Absolutely" I said, smiling as he left. Edward took my hand and squeezed it, I relished the pressure, feeling ressured that I was doing something right. "Father likes you" he commented. 

"I very much doubt that" 

"It's true" he protested, "he would not have asked your advice had he not"

I sipped gingerly at my tea, "perhaps there is hope for me after all" 

"Perhaps" he smirked, raising an eyebrow. 

I slapped him on the arm playfully, earning a glare from the butler, Hemmings. "Go fetch a coat for Miss Hardwick" Edward snapped to one of the servants. I frowned, i'd never heard him speak this way to anyone before. "Why the frown?"

"Nothing" I insisted, not wanting to fight. David remerged soon enough, one of the footman informed me, and I gave Edward one last fleeting glance before making my way to the hall. David was stood at the foot of the stairs and to my surprise, approached readily taking my arm. He was dressed in tweed and high leather boots. I was wearing a calf length skirt and tweed jacket and cap, although it looked good, it wasn't exactly warm, I was pleased it was summer and not winter, otherwise i'd have frozen. 

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