Chapter 45 - Aftershocks

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"Stand up" I said. She did it quickly, her laced gown falling around her, the moon lighting her pale skin. She looked so angelic; her rosy lips parted from desire, eyes filled with passion and longing, but also with innocence, something I was about to take from her. But above all she looked fragile, I knew this would hurt her, but I couldn't stop myself advancing on her like she was a lamb, and I, the wicked wolf. 

I lit another candle, revealing more of her wondrous body. "Beautiful" I said, making short work of undoing the laces of her gown. "Mine" I said, feeling the full curves and soft skin beneath my hands. I bent my head and kissed her, tugging her bottom lip as I broke up apart to admire her once again. 

"Yes" she breathed, barely a whisper, her breath dancing across my skin, "yours"

My hand trailed down her body, resting at the bottom of her abdomen as my fingers trailed ever lower, "are you scared?"

She nodded, I wished I could take it away. "Don't be" I said, rougher than I intended it, but she needed to know that there was nothing to fear. I kissed her again, lifting her onto the bed, her legs parted for me, a clear invitation. I covered her body with my own, I sucked on her neck gently, smirking when she gasped, her lids grew heavy with desire, my own need was becoming greater, though I was in no hurry, determined to prolong every second. I looked into her eyes, deep blue pools filled with desire and longing, I loved her, and I knew I'd never love anyone like I'd loved her ever again; "I love you Alice Hardwick"


When I woke the next morning, I found Alice asleep. She was curled into my side, her head resting on my arm. I replayed the previous nights events in my mind, I was desperate for a repeat. I turned, conscious of not waking Alice and looked at her face, so peaceful in slumber. Her lips were parted slightly, breath was deep, a large contrast to the sharp shallow breaths she took only hours before as she screamed my name in the grips of ecstasy.

I caressed her cheek, savouring the feel of her silken skin. I couldn't wait till she was mine, that I would get to spend every night living in such a way. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing the eyes of some deeply satisfied, "good morning" I said.

"Hello" she said, her hand reaching out to take mine. I kissed her and noticed how her lips lingered on mine. "Last night was..."

"It wasn't too much was it? Did I hurt you?" anxiety hit me like a tonne of bricks, all I cared was that she was alright.

"It was perfect" she assured me, kissing me. 

"How do you feel?"

"Heavenly, a little sore but nothing big" she said, her voice confident and happy.


Seeing a glimpse of her naked under the sheets was enough to pump me full of desire, desperate to repeat our tryst again, immediately.

"Do you think we could.." I let my hand trail suggestively.

"Can we? So soon?" her voice was full of curiosity.

"I'll show you" I promised, taking her once again.


I should have known I would have been unable to avoid leaving her chambers unnoticed, when I left, dressed only the robe I wore to her room the night before I was greeted by my father; he did not look happy to say the least.

"What, were you doing in Miss Hardwick's chambers?"

I sighed heavily, "cut the crap, you know exactly what I was doing in Alice's room"

My father frowned, "you've both been missed at breakfast"

I tightened the belt of my robe, replying snarkily, "yes, well we've been rather busy"

"Don't talk to me with such disrespect, I am on your side!" he hissed.

"Really, It doesn't feel like it" I drawled. I knew I must have stuck a chord because his eyes narrowed, he knew I was referring to the conversation we had the previous evening about Alice, how I should pay her off and send her away, because she'd never be happy amongst 'our kind' as he'd so crudely labelled it. "Look, Edward, you know I'm right, to prove my point, bring her to Ascot next week, if you and Alice can manage a day around our friends and associates, then I will drop the matter"

"Deal" I said, walking back to my chambers. 

I quickly changed and smirked again, remembering the look of passion on Alice's innocent face last night. The way her engagement ring shone in the low light had been so alluring and the soft waves of hair and deep blue eyes just added to the appeal. 

Firmly, I tightened my tie and straightened my jacket, I intended to take Alice to Cheltenham to shop for Ascot, if she was to fit in, she had to look the part. 

When I walked into the dining room, I noted Alice's absence instantly. "Where's Alice?" I asked my parents. 

My mother opened her mouth to speak and closed it with an audible snap as Alice walked into the room, looking stunning wearing a pastel pink dress which stopped below her knees, it hugged her hips and flowed around her waist, she looked radiant. I stood and kissed her hand, making her turn crimson with embarrassment. "You look marvellous" I told her. 

"Thank you" she said, slipping into a seat and asking for some coffee. I raised my eyebrows, Alice never usually liked coffee. "I have aquired a taste for it, and I feel I am in need of a caffine boost"

She concentrated on buttering her scone as she spoke, but the meaning was perfectly clear. "Did you not sleep well?" I inquired.

"No, I'm afraid it was rather interrupted" she said casually. I held back the laugh I could feel building inside me, made even more humorous by the appalled looks we were getting from my parents.

"Do you fancy a run into Cheltenham today?"

Her eyes lifted and sparked with excitement, "I'd love too"

"Excellent, Dawes, tell Fredrick's to pull the car round, but that i'll be driving myself"

"Certainly sir, which car?"

"The bentley"

My father frowned but kept silent, "What do you plan on doing in Cheltenham?" asked my mother.

"I want to show Alice around" It sounded innocent enough, but I didn't want her complaining about my spending money on Alice, I got enough of that from Alice.

She took another sip of tea and in a tight voice said, "have fun"

I spluttered, my mother did not just encourage me to enjoy spending time with my fiancee! 

Dawes reappeared and informed us the car was parked at the front of the house, after nipping to my room for my wallet, I took Alice's hand and lead her out the house, grinning like a mad man.  

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