Chapter three: Courtney

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I followed Carrie, Hailey and Fred to a mountain. Fred whispered something in Carrie's ear, then transformed into a dog and hid behind an old brick wall that was crumbling. Hailey and Carrie disappeared into the mountain. Forgetting about Fred, I started walking up to where they had disappeared and felt around the solid dirt wall. How had they just walked through?

"Confused?" A voice growled. Great, it was Fred.

"What, in the name of Hades, do you want?" I whipped around with almost as much of a growl in my tone.

"Just to talk. Carrie has forbade me from killing you, for some reason. Though I wouldn't dream of it, I've always been fascinated by your story, I can't wait to see what the next chapter will tell about."

"What are you talking about?" I crossed my arms.

"I've watched your life. When you first went to Camp Half Blood was adorable. I loved the look of confusion on your face, so weak, so easy to kill. Carrie's only watched some of it, mostly the modern stuff. That's why he went undercover at your junior high."

"So you've been stalking me." I rolled my eyes. "Both of you."

"I wouldn't call it stalking, just studying."

"And am I really interesting enough for that?"

"The interesting parts don't matter. Everyone at Camp Ops must watch someone at least once."


"To learn their battle styles of course."

"You could figure out anyone's battle technique just by having a few fights with them." I raised an eyebrow at Fred.

"But why waste your time with silly fights you might lose, when I could kill you right now?"

"You have been told against it, Wolfe." I grunted, glaring into his beady eyes. "I assume you will follow orders?"

"Oh, I never follow orders, but since Carrie is praetor, then I won't kill you. Not yet, anyway." He sneered in my face.

I shoved him away and glared at him. What was this about Carrie being a praetor?

"Well, if you know me so well then describe my battle style."

"You are right handed, meaning you have poor defence on your right side, but that doesn't mean you go down without a fight. You have water powers because you are the daughter of Poseidon, not Neptune. Shall I go on?"

"You missed the fact that I tend to defeat my enemies quickly, with my immense skill in both swordfighting and gunwork." I spun my pen in my fingers, having just pulled it out of my pocket.

"I don't miss anything. You swim in your pool everyday with your step brother. What's his name again? Oh, yes, Gage. Then you lock him in the bathroom as you do your homework, which never gets done because he comes in, jumps on your bed until it's dripping wet then you chase him around your mother's house with a nerf gun until dinner is ready. You never burn any foods for the gods because you hate most of them and the ones that you don't hate, hate you. You then go to your bed and wish you were back at Camp Half Blood with your half-brother Perseus Jackson."

"How in the name of-" I stopped myself.

He had surprised me, knowing all about my daily life. He was partially wrong, I did sometimes burn food for the gods. Not often, of course, I hated half of them. The rest hated me. The only one I knew didn't hate me was my father, and I didn't hate him. I just never found the time to burn a meal for him. And I was pretty sure the king of the ocean wouldn't like veggie burgers.

"Just so you know, you really should start burning food for the gods."

"Why. Why should I do what you tell me to?"

"Because they like to help in battles." Fred sneered.

It happened faster than I could track. Fred transformed into a dog then jumped on top of me, bringing me to the ground.

I drew my pen out and turned it into a handgun, I put the point to his chest. He had his muzzle against my shoulder, ready to bite me. I held the gun straight and had a finger on the trigger. He slowly got up and shuffled back, keeping a wary eye on the gun. I slowly got to my knees, keeping the gun pointed at him.

"Oh! Feisty!" He grunted.

"And I'm not even fired up. Now, back down." My finger twitched closer to the trigger.

"Like I said, I don't follow orders." He smiled evilly. "See you at school, Courtney Louderback."

With that, Fred slowly walked toward the mountain. "Your friend is nice company. Maybe I'll keep her as a chew toy." He snarled at his last words.

I finally lost it. My hand clenched down on the trigger and I let loose a bullet. It hit Fred in the foot, making him stumble. I stood and shot his other foot.

"Oh no, I've been shot." He laughed and fake stumbled, then got up like nothing had touched him. "Don't you know only silver can hurt werewolves?"

"Why you little-" I was about to use some very unkind words to describe Fred, but decided against it.

He snickered at me and walked through the mountain wall. I made my gun into a pen and stuffed it in my pocket again, then began beating my fists against the mountainside.

"Hailey! Get out of there! Hailey!" I shouted.


Sorry guys, it's another short one, with a cliffhanger.

Sorry about the stalker moment with Fred, but it'll play a part later in the story, I promise.

If there's any mistakes then please comment and tell me, I would love to know where I messed up.

Comment for literally anything, I love getting feedback. 

Please tell me if you liked it, it would be a real help.

Thank you guys so much for sticking with this story, please send it to your friends and if you have any ideas for later in the story (no matter how crazy they are) please feel free to tell me.

See you guys on Wednesday! Have a great rest of the day!

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