Chapter twenty four: Carrie

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I walked back to War trying my best to ignore Neptuna, I wanted to tell her, I really did but she would be either really confused or just really angry. I heard her voice from behind a tree right then.

"Night-night, honey." She said bitterly. 

I frowned. Honey? Who is she talking to? She can't call anyone honey but me!

Wait—No. She isn't mine.

I sigh and look to the sky as the wind picks up.

Oh, crap.

Cameron Pattin, one of the new recruits, is floating above us all. He's got a shimmering lightning bolt above his head. He's been claimed. By Zeus. But that's not all... He's seen Neptuna.

Everyone stopped fighting to gaze up at Cameron.

Cameron flew down. Straight toward Neptuna.

"Oh gods no." I murmured.

He couldn't talk to her. I couldn't let him tell her anything. I walked as calmly as I could over to Grace.

"Better now?" She asked.

"Yeah, hey can you do me a favor?" I asked.


I nodded to Cameron who was making his way toward Neptuna. Grace nodded and went over to him. She punched him square in the face and dragged him over to me. By that time everyone seemed to gather their senses again and they resumed fighting.

"What?" Cameron kept asking her then he spotted me.

"Hello son of Zeus." I sneered, gripped his shoulder then guided him away so that no one could see us.

"What'd you want?" He asked.

"Just a talk." I nodded.

"Then we can talk in the open." He glanced toward Neptuna.

"Not that kind of talk."

We stopped behind a building. Grace had went back to the game.

"Then what kind of talk?" He eyed me.

"You can't talk to Neptuna anymore." I told him.

"What? Why not?"

"You just can't."

"Why not?" He demanded.

"She doesn't know who you are." I sighed.


"She doesn't know who you are." I repeated

"How? We're best friends!"


"This has to be some sort of a joke, right? I'm being punked!" He cut me off. "You're just joking. Ju-u-ust joking..."

"Really, she has no clue who you are. She doesn't know me, either..."

"Why does it matter if she knows you? I'm one of her best friends!"

"Just telling you. Thought you might want to know." I put my hands up in surrender and shook my head.

I started walking back to War.

"...So you're being serious?" He called after me.

"What do you think?" I yelled over my shoulder.

He didn't answer. I kept walking until I saw everyone celebrating.

"Who won?" I asked Grace.

"The girls!" She exclaimed.

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