Chapter nineteen: Neptuna

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I woke up in a park, my head thumping with pain. I couldn't remember who I was or even where I was. I got up and looked around. Seeing a small pond, something came back to me— My name, I think.


Is that even a real name? It must be, it was mine.

I reached out to touch my reflection. My hand entered the water and I was thrown back. My head hit the bench I had woken up on and I immediately got a huge headache, even bigger than the one I already had.

"Ow! Dangit, ouch!" I gripped my head and sat down.

"Oi, mate, you alright?" A voice spoke behind me.

"Who-who are you?" I grabbed a nearby stick and held it like a baseball bat, standing and preparing to swing at the boy who had spoken. His Australian accent made me wonder if I was in Australia.

"My name is Max, I'm your friend."

"Wh-where am I?" I stuttered.

"Kansas, but you don't look like you're from around here."

"Then where am I from?"

"Shouldn't you know that?" He questioned me.

"I don't know." I shot.

"Let's get you to camp, maybe you'll feel better."

"What camp?"

"Camp Ops, mate."

"Where is that?"

"Behind every 'ittle hill and every 'ittle mountain."

"That's not possible."

"Are you sure mate?"


"Let's go, I don't want to miss breakfast." A girl's voice moaned behind me.

"Calm down Doleo." The boy named Max shot.

"There is no 'calm' in my dictionary." Doleo spat.

"I believe that." Max grumbled as an apple tree grew behind him.

"Can I have one?" Doleo asked nodding to the now fully grown tree.

"Get it yourself, mate." He reached up, grabbed an apple, then took a big bite out of it.

The girl walked over and grabbed an apple. Before biting into it she wiped it off on her tank-top and camo pants.

"Uhm..." I still held the stick like a bat and was prepared to hit either of the strange people. How had the tree grown? Did the boy make it happen? And what kind of name is 'Doleo'? What is Camp Ops? How is it behind every hill and mountain? Many more questions were itching to be asked, but I didn't want to say anything. How can I be sure these people aren't just trying to kidnap me?

"How can I be sure that you two aren't just tricking me?" I asked.

"What?" The girl called Doleo turned and frowned at me. "Trick you? Why would we want to trick you?"

"Don't be rude, mate." Max glared at Doleo then continued, "We won't trick you, don't worry."

I looked at him inquisitively. I definitely didn't believe him. Doleo started walking away.

"Try to keep up!" She yelled over her shoulder.

"You ready?" Max grinned.

"Not at all."

"Good. Now let's go!" He laughed and started after Doleo, grabbing my arm and dragging me along.

I felt like I had no choice but to follow him. Both Doleo and Max stopped the second we reached a hill.

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