Chapter forty seven: Neptuna

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I lay in my bunk, staring up at the ceiling above me. I knew that the rest of my cabin was asleep, and it was almost midnight, but I couldn't seem to shut down my mind and relax. I was too worried about Carrie. He's been assigned a quest, and I don't know when he's leaving, who's going with, what it's for, or where he'd be going.

Would he get hurt? Would he take me with him? I hoped he would take me, either as his girlfriend or a comrade. If he didn't pick me to go with him...

I would sneak out and follow him.

Now that I had a plan, I finally managed to relax a little and fall asleep.

I slipped into my regular combat boots, baggy camo pants, and a tank top.

"Everyone ready?" Doleo asked once it was time for breakfast.

Most people nodded and yawned a, "Sure, yeah."

"Good." She lead us toward the Mess Hall.

I sat in my corner again and looked up to try and find Carrie. I saw him at the head table, talking to Natalie. I suddenly stood up, not realizing what I was doing, and went to listen in on their conversation.

Instead I heard a very different conversation but I kept listening.

"Do you think is't worth another try?"

"Of course it is. This is the hottest guy in camp we're talking about here."

"I'll go and put it in his drink."

"No not you, they're all watching you."

"Then who?"

"I'll do it."

"No, I'll do it."

"No, me!"

"How about—" I popped up behind them. "I do it?"

"You don't even know what we're talking about."

"You guys want to put something in the praetor's drink, don't you?" I crossed my arms.


"Then let me do it. He won't suspect me."

"Okay then, here. Make sure he doesn't notice." One of the girls handed me a vial of pink liquid. I nodded and walked over to the table Doleo was sitting at.

"Doleo." I said. She turned her head to look at me, surprised.

"Some girls want to slip something in Carrie's drink. They gave me this." I held up the vial and dropped it on her plate.

"Thanks." She took it from her plate and stowed it into her pocket.

I walked past the table the girls were sitting at and I gave them a sneer as they gave me murderous glares.

When I got back to my seat, I looked back up at Carrie.

But he wasn't there.

My eyes darted over the whole mess hall in three seconds, scanning everything for a glimpse of his blonde hair or his purple cape. I finally spotted him, walking back to his cabin. I sprinted after him.

"Carrie!" I called, jogging up next to him. "Where in Hades do you think you're going?"

"To pack." He said.

"For the quest, right. Who's going with you?"

"Natalie, Alivia and Max."

"What's the prophecy?"

"I can't say."

"Carrie..." I grabbed his hand. "...Tell me."

"I. Can't."

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