Chapter twenty three: Neptuna

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I looked at Carrie. There was something in his eyes... He wanted to say something, but he couldn't. I stepped to the side and he walked past, out the door. I followed. When I realized no one was around, he winced as I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

"What?" I asked. "You wanted to say something back there. What is it?"

"I-I was going to order you to go back to war." He started walking back to the field.

I could tell in his eyes that he wanted to say something different but I didn't want to badger him.

Wait, yes I did.

I jogged after him and nudged his side.

"C'mon. Tell me."

He ignored me and kept walking.

"Aw, c'mon. Tell me." I followed.

"No." He retorted, not looking at me.

"Praetor Carrie, I order you to tell me."

"No one can order me around."

"That wasn't an answer." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to a stop.

"No, that wasn't an answer, but it was my answer." He started walking.

"And I won't take your answer. Please, Carrie, just tell me. Tell me and get it over with." I didn't follow him this time.

He stared at me and opened his mouth to say something. I waited for his answer. But he just shook his head and kept walking, almost jogging. I sighed and shook my head.

"What is wrong with people? Don't they know they can show emotion? Jeez..." I mumbled.

I went off to find where War would be. I didn't have to look for very long. I came upon a large field, where there were hundreds of kids, all ages and sizes. They were all carrying some kind of weapon.

And they were all basically destroying the other kids.

Doleo jogged toward me.

"Hey, I was wondering where you'd gone off too."

"I just had to take a breather after what happened."

"That's fine, just grab a weapon and shield and join."

"Wait! What are the rules?"

"Um, don't kill." She grinned.

"What, no penalties for hurting someone, nothing against injuring a person? Seriously?"

"Hey, I trust the medics, you should too."

"...Alright then. Just tell everyone to watch out."

Doleo laughed and ran off. I, for no particular reason, pulled out the pen that was in my pocket. I ran my thumb over the Greek inscription.

"Τυφώνας." I mumbled. Then, out of curiosity, I clicked it. It grew into a medium sized trident, about four feet long, and maybe weighing five pounds. How is it so light? I asked myself.

I looked up just in time. A boy ran at me with a silver trident, and I ducked. He went right past me, but I swung my trident and rammed it against his side. Then, jamming the three points into his chest as he turned, I pinned him against a nearby tree.

"So you're the new Poseidon kid, huh?"

"You bet. And I assume you're one as well?"

"Heck no, I'm a Neptune kid."

"Got it. But that doesn't mean there won't be competition for the best sea child."

"There's always competition, honey."

"Don't call me honey. We're not a couple." I glared at him.

"Good, we're practically related, honey."

"Gods don't have DNA, honey."

"You would be surprised." He murmured.

"Am I allowed to knock people out?" I growled. "Because that would be real swell."

"Of course, honey."

"Good. Night-night, honey." I kicked him in the gut and rammed the butt-end of my trident down on his skull, knocking him out cold.

There was a sudden rush of wind. Everyone held their breath. I turned to where everyone was looking.

A boy with white-blonde hair and icy blue eyes was floating above the battle. Something loomed over his head but I had to squint to see it clearly.

A lightning bolt.

A shimmering, golden lightning bolt.

That boy is the son of Zeus.


Hey guys, sorry for such a short chapter, the next one will hopefully be longer.

Tell me guys if I should put an Avenger story on here, just comment your thoughts.

If you've stayed with this story for a really long time then that's great, if you've just read this just to read it then that's pretty cool too

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Thanks for everything!


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