Chapter twenty six: Carrie

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After breakfast I headed to the Praetor cabin for the meeting that I called.

I sat at my desk for a few minutes thinking about how I could word what I was about to say.

"Okay." I started as everyone found a place to either sit or stand.

"Wait, where's Grace?" Juventas questioned, eying her empty desk.

"To be honest, I have no idea." I sighed.

"What's this about?" Doleo spoke up.

"After lunch I have to set out to—to meet a client."

"That's a horrible idea." Natalie crossed her arms.

"And why is that?"

"You were almost murdered less than twenty four hours ago!" She stood up.


"You were stabbed!"

"So? Alivia healed me."

"She's not even a daughter of Apollo!"

"That doesn't matter." I frowned at her.

"Parentage always matters." She muttered darkly.

"Then Regar would've been praetor, would he not?"

"Hey, you got the job fair and square." Doleo interjected, to stop a fight in the making, which was strange for her, "So let's all just chill out."

Natalie sat back in her seat with a huff of annoyance.

"Don't worry, when will you get back?"

"No idea, last time I did one of these things it took a few days."


"They liked to talk." I shrugged.

"Wait, what happens if you aren't back by dinner?"

"I don't know."

"What are you going to do about the people still against you?" Juventas asked.

"For now nothing, we'll only do something if there's another attack."

Everyone stared in awe of what I had just said, but I didn't care. The meeting was extremely important.

Not only was I seeing a client...

I was going to see my parents. For the first time in two years.

Finally, after a few minutes I headed back to the praetor cabin hoping Grace was back, but when I got it was empty. I sighed and proceeded to make sure I had all of my stuff.

I headed toward one of the mountains that surrounded camp and walked through the door.

To the normal eye it would look like a hut in the middle of nowhere and it pretty much was. Except when you went inside. Inside was pretty big with a single round table that sat up to eight people.

The people I were meeting weren't truly clients. More like friends, and I'm pretty sure I can't even call them that.

I walked in, but the normal dim light was interrupted but someone throwing me against the wall.

"It's me." I choked out, struggling to breath due to the person's arm crushing my throat, I was pretty sure it was Reyna but I couldn't be too sure.

I reached for my watch and pressed the button that brought out my sword. Bringing it out, I hit the attacker upside the head. They crumpled and I turned on the lights. I could barely believe my eyes.

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