Chapter forty one: Neptuna

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I was running through a strawberry field, I didn't know where though.

"Hurry up, ya' sloth!" The boy called over his shoulder.

"Shut up, slowpoke!" I sprinted past him and punched him in the shoulder.

"Hey! Slow down!" He laughed.

"You told me to hurry up, seaweed brain! Think I'm not gonna do what my brother tells me to?" I joked.

What was I seeing?


Seaweed brain?

Then the image changed.

I saw myself in front of a giant crowd. Somehow I knew this place was where and when I got the strange tattoo on my arm. A girl with a purple cape, much like Carrie's, stood on my right and a boy with blonde hair and sky-blue eyes stood on my left. He held my left arm in the air. There was a huge flash and I could suddenly feel something.


The tattoo on my arm was burning. That's all I could feel. The rest of me was numb. I couldn't move, or open my eyes. Then the vision returned as the flash subsided. The blonde boy was grinning at me, the small scar on his upper lip in the shape of a crescent moon. I was smiling too. The girl with the cape was smiling slightly. Then she stepped forward and gestured to me. "I now pronounce C—"

The vision moved on.

I stood in a hallway, somehow I knew it was my school. Carrie strode toward me, but not the Carrie from Camp Ops, he almost looked like a normal teenager.

I saw myself choke him against the wall and growl, "Where's my brother, Blondie?"

"Fred has him." Carrie struggled to speak.

"Fred is gone! I saw you shoot him!"


And then, I woke up.

I sat up and yelped. There was a painful tugging sensation in my arm and I looked down at the IV that was imbedded in my skin. I pulled it out immediately and grabbed a bandage wrap off the table next to me. I quickly wrapped it around my forearm, covering up my tattoo and the now bleeding spot where the IV had been.

I unclipped the wires from my finger tip that had been keeping track of my heart rate. Then I tossed them aside. Throwing the blanket off the bed, I swung my legs over the side and stood up.

I have to find Carrie.

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