Chapter fourteen: Cameron

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Everything was going haywire. Courtney hasn't been talking to me, or anyone for that matter, and Hailey had up and disappeared. What was going on? Then Courtney disappeared early, I didn't see her on the bus. That blonde kid kept glaring at me every time he saw me. When I got to my bus stop after school on the last day there were two people waiting for me, a boy and a girl. Both were wearing black dog tags for some reason. I climbed off of the bus and they approached me.

"Are you Cameron?" The girl asked.

"Who wants to know?"

"Just answer the question." The boy grunted.


"Come with us." The girl motioned for me to follow her.

They started to walk away, obviously expecting me to follow them. I wanted to, really, but something seemed to be holding me back.

"Why should I go with you? For all I know you could be kidnapping me."

"Smart one." The boy mumbled.

"You should come with us because I said to." The girl turned to look at me. "Let's go."

"No." I crossed my arms and started in the direction of my house.

Their footsteps stopped.

"Okay, fine. Have you ever heard of Greek and Roman mythology?"

I stopped, dead in my tracks.

"Yeah, why?"

"Now will you come with us?" The girl asked.

"Maybe, just answer one more question."


"What are your names? And are you demigods?"

"That's two questions." The girl crossed her arms.

"C'mon, he's just confused." The boy laughed.

"I'm Alice. This is Jacob." Alice jerked her head in the direction of the boy. "Now let's go."

"Answer my second question."

"Yes, we are. Now come on!"

After a little bit of arguing I followed Alice and Jacob. They led me to a hill a block away and Jacob said "Patefacio"

The hill seemed to open. Alice walked in, so did Jacob. I followed.

Inside was magnificent, though it was almost pitch black I could make out high ceilings and dark corners that made you wonder what this place could have in store for you.

A woman in a sleek red dress sat in the middle. I looked around, the only true light in the room seemed to be around her only though I couldn't see Alice or Jacob any more.

"Approach and sit." The woman gestured to a wooden chair that had just appeared in front of my very eyes.

I did as I was told.

The woman had stunning hazel eyes and perfect wavy brunette hair.

"I understand this is a time of great confusion for you. So I understand if you ask questions."

"Who are you?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound rude.

"I? I am Dius Fidus. Not many have heard of me so I am okay if you do not know me."

"I-I think I've read that name before," I thought aloud.

"Do not strain yourself child." she spoke warmly, like fresh honey being poured out of a pan.

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