Chapter thirty one: Grace

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"Well then, nice to meet you, Will." I nodded to him.


"You alright?"

"Not really." He sighed.

"What's up?"

"My girlfriend... She went missing. I'm so worried... I hope she's okay." He slumped down onto the ground across from me.

"I'm sure she's fine. What's her name?"

"Courtney. You met her brother, Percy, earlier."

The name... I knew her, right? Or had I met her? I had to know her... Oh, well. I couldn't remember.


"I'm so worried..." He repeated.

"Will, I'm sure she's totally fine. By the way, I'm Grace."

"Nice to meet you, Grace."

"Nice to meet you, too, Will. Who's your godly parent?"

"Apollo. You?"

"No idea."

"It's Janus."


"It's Janus, that's your godly parent."

"How do you know?"

He pointed right above my head. I looked up and saw a shimmering door.

"What the—" Will pointed toward a shadow.

Some part of me knew that it wasn't a monster, it was a boy.

Will ran toward him. He had a string around his neck with a note stuck to the string. I read the note from a distance.

"Take to Chiron." Is all it said.

Will guided him up to the big house after reading the note.

The boy had messy brown hair and was covered in sweat. He almost looked like he had just been attacked, bleeding claw marks covered his face. 

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