Chapter twenty eight: Carrie

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After the meeting I headed home. I couldn't use the doors because Chiron and Reyna were watching, so I immediately headed in the opposite direction of where I was headed.

They were always trying to find out where Camp Ops was. Luckily I was never idiotic enough to let them pin point how I get there.

I walked far enough away from the hut that I was positive no one was following or watching me, though they both always stayed later to talk but they didn't know I knew.

After a few moments I could see in the distance a giant brick wall.


But when I entered the door there was another story to be told.

An African American man sat at the dining table. I saw that he was in a military uniform which was highly decorated. The man seemed to be in an argument with Virtus, but when Virtus' eyes floated to the doorway I was standing in.

"Hello Carrie." He grumbled, obviously extremely disgruntled.

The man quickly turned around and scanned me up and down, almost trying to figure me out.

"So you're the master sergeant's son, huh? I expected you to be bigger, the way he talks about you."

"You must be the first sergeant." I nodded, examining the badges on his chest.

"Yes." He responded, absolutely no emotion in his voice or on his face.

"That's a pleasant conversation." Virtus grumbled, still sitting.

The man didn't take his eyes off of me so I slowly walked across the table and sat down, not breaking gaze.

"Now," Virtus broke the silence, "Carrie, did you know the first sergeant is actually a son of Mars?"

"Really?" I asked, still looking at him.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" The First Sergeant eyed me.

"He's a son of Apollo."

"I went to Camp Ops." The man ignored Virtus but still didn't take his eyes off of me.

"First Sergeant Bowen?" Spoke a voice from the doorway.

I broke my gaze with the first sergeant and looked toward the door. Quickly jumping up from my seat I saluted my parents. I grinned as they saluted back then dropped both of their camo bags then I ran over and hugged them both.

Two years worth of hugs in one just wasn't enough.

My step-father gripped my shoulders and I ignored the pain from my still fresh sword wound. He scanned me up and down, seeing that I was almost taller than him he frowned.

"So, first sergeant, what are you doing here?" My mother eyed him.

"Actually, I need to talk to you, about a new weapon design." He gazed back at her, still with absolutely no emotion.

"Very well then, come this way," She sighed and motioned him to come with her.

Luckily the first sergeant agreed, got up, then followed her into another room.

"Let's sit." My step-dad motioned toward the table and we both sat down, I still couldn't wipe the grin off of my face.

"How was Saudi Arabia?"

"Horrible, nothing but deserts and shot up towns."

"Sounds fun."

Suddenly there was a loud bang that shook the whole house. My dad jumped up and, on instinct he pulled out a gun and aimed it toward where the explosion had come from. I jumped up as well and immediately readied an arrow.

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