Chapter forty six: Carrie

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After lunch I sat at my desk, Doleo walked in.

"You need to be careful." She warned me.

"Why? Not another attempt—"

"No, worse, way way worse." Doleo shook her head.

"What is it, girl?" Caleb asked.

I rolled my eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Don't drink any drinks during meal times, it's for your own safety."

"Why? Is someone trying to poison me?"

"No. Worse. Love potion, or something like that."

"How do you know?" Caleb eyed her.

"One of the girls in my cabin, Jessie, said that she might slip something in your drink." Doleo ignored Caleb.

I frowned. Jessie... Jessie... Do I know her? Jessie... I began to wonder how many girls had considered trying to make me like them.

"Okay, I'll be on the lookout." I smiled, "Thanks for the heads up."

"No problem." She started walking back toward the door. "See you around?"

"Sure, see you." I nodded, a small smile on my face, I loved when the trust I put into people actually pays off.

Once Doleo was gone, Caleb spoke up.

"Did you see the wraps on your girlfriend's hands?" He asked.

"You, sir, need to shut up." I pointed to him.

He chuckled and kept talking. "Do you know what happened? I saw the blood leaking through the bandages. She may be hurt."

"I have no idea and I'm fine with not knowing."

"Wow, you make a sucky boyfriend."

The only reason I didn't want to know was because it would stress me out. Her being hurt, even in a minor way, either ticks me off or makes me worry. It's not that I didn't care. "I'm not your boyfriend. You don't have to worry about it."

"True that, true that." He nodded and continued to drink his third hot chocolate.

I stood up and walked over to the fridge for a new lemonade. Two steps later I heard a pop behind me. In a blink of an eye I already had my bow drawn and aimed at the door but soon lowered it.

"Oh, hey Juventus," I pressed my watch and my bow disappeared. "Do you want a drink?"

"Sure, nectar."

I tossed her the godly drink and she smiled.


"No problem, so what brings you here?"

"Just wanted to have a drink, water just isn't as good."

"Understandable." I smiled.

Two and a half hours later, it was almost time for dinner. I got up and put my cape on, heading out to the mess hall. I wasn't exactly looking where I was going, and ran into someone.

"Oh, I'm sor—" Neptuna was about to finish her apology when she realized it was me she had ran into. She closed her mouth and stared at me in silence.

"It's okay." I nodded. "I was the one that wasn't watching where I was going."

Neptuna looked around to make sure no one was nearby or watching before she grabbed me by the front of my shirt and kissed me. Without thinking it through, I kissed back. She pushed away about five seconds later.

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