Chapter thirteen: Carrie

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"Oh, Carrie's not going to be happy about this!" I heard Grace say as I sat at my desk.

"What will I not be happy about?" I sighed.

Grace tended to think I was always unhappy.

"Nothing, nothing!" Grace grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes and went back to work.

A few minutes later, Grace gasped. She slapped a hand over her mouth and glanced in my direction.

"What?" I frowned. "What is it?"

"You don't want to know." Grace breathed.

"Yes, I do." I stood up to face her.

"No you don't." Grace giggled, then covered her mouth again.

"Why won't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because... Oh, look, it's time for breakfast!" Grace looked up at the clock.

She jumped to her feet and pulled me with her, obviously trying to hide her face from me. I knew she was hiding something, I just didn't know what it was. Every time I asked her about it on the way to the mess hall she acted like she hadn't heard me. The curiosity burned in my head and ate away at my thoughts.

"Grace!" I yanked her arm and we stopped. "Tell me."

"Not before breakfast!"

"Yes, before breakfast. Tell me."

"Nope!" She pulled me into the mess hall.

No one was there yet except some of the gods that helped out at Camp Ops. I sat down and started talking to Juventas, she was pretty much the only person, other than Grace, that treated me like a real human being.

"Good to see you again, Carrie." She smiled at me.

"Good to see you too." I smiled back.

I got some pancakes to eat and finished quickly. Grace said she would tell me after breakfast, and I was going to end breakfast as soon as I could.

After I finished the different age groups started filing in. Some new faces looked, amazed or confused, at me. It happened every year, some of the new recruits had heard stories of me but had never actually seen me. I searched for Grace in the crowd and saw her trying to slip away, back to our cabin.

"Oh, no you don't!" I hissed to myself, diving and grabbing her wrist. "You-" I pulled her along with me, back to the Mess hall and sat her down in my chair. "-Owe me a story. Is Neptuna hurt? Is she okay?"

Juventas elbowed me. She put her hand up and the talking stopped, anything could've happened in that moment, but I knew what had to happen.

I had to forget about Grace and all of my troubles. I stood up and addressed the recruits.

"I hope we all have a great year. Hopefully we all have a good time seeing new faces, and old friends. Monsters seem to be getting worse so make sure to brace yourselves. Finally, I just want to say... Let's eat!" I sat back down and glared at Grace.
"What?" She asked innocently.

"You still owe me a story!" I pressed.

"Fine, fine! Well- Oh thank the gods, I see a familiar face in the crowd." She didn't even begin on explaining. She rushed off.


Hey guys sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was really busy and sorry that this is a short chapter.

I hope you guys still like it!

Please comment for anything, I love hearing your guy's remarks.

If you have anything that you want to have in the story feel free to message me or comment.

Please tell me what you guys think about publishing a new chapter everyday instead every other day.

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