Chapter six: Courtney

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I watched as Carrie entered his glass room. I had Blackjack land on the terrace outside the glass room, where I jumped off and Blackjack went to graze in the fields. Carrie sat to do his homework, but I knew something would happen soon.

Fred appeared on the coffee table. I backed away from the window slightly, but I could still hear and see them out of the corner of my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Carrie hissed at Fred, drawing his bow.

"Can't you sense her?" Fred hissed back.

I froze. Oh, no. They knew I was here. But I had to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Then she can see who I really am." Carrie shot at Fred.

The tension in my shoulders left. So Carrie knew I was here. And he didn't care.

"Who you really are? Wow, you are getting weak." Fred snarled back at Carrie.

They kept arguing but suddenly I felt something rub up against my arm. There was a beautiful, pure white pegasus rubbing his head against my arm.

"Any carrots?" it asked me. "Emma wants carrots."

"I don't have any carrots." I told it. I listened in on the conversation again.

"...That I've gone soft! Weak!" Carrie was yelling at Fred.

"You know the second you go back to camp they'll look at you and laugh!"

"They'll smile at the fact that you aren't their praetor!" Carrie spat, then shot Fred in the leg with a silver arrow.

I gasped. The wolf howled in pain and rolled onto the floor.

"Angita!" Carrie called down the long corridor.

"Yes?" A woman poked her head into the room.

"Come here, please."

The women entered and looked at the dog with a confused glint in her eyes. I watched as Carrie ordered the woman to take and heal Fred. The woman obeyed and took Fred away. Fred snarled something at Carrie that I couldn't make out and Carrie rolled his eyes.

"Can't wait." He murmured.

I jumped when the white pegasus nuzzled me again.

"Carrots. Emma wants carrots." The pegasus huffed in my face.

I frowned and pushed it's big head away.

"I told you, I don't have any carrots."

"Give Emma carrot." It demanded. "Give. Emma. Carrot!" the pegasus started pushing me past the wall that I was hiding behind.

"Carrot!" Emma screamed then charged me.

I toppled over the side of the wall, I saw Carrie jump up and aim his bow at me. I don't think he recognised me because he yelled something. Before I hit the ground I whistled for Blackjack to get me.

"Go, quick!" I whispered in Blackjack's ear after he caught me.

We flew above the wall, above the house. Under us, guards ran out to the pegasus field with military-grade weapons. I tried to dodge the shots fired up at me, and got hit in the shoulder with one bullet. I winced at the sting. It had only grazed, but would leave a scar, no doubt. Blood soaked into my sleeve.

Suddenly Carrie's voice shouted, "Stop! Stop shooting! STOP!" He jumped out and landed fine on the grass. He jumped on a random pegasus and flew up to my level.

"Who are you?" he yelled. I had my face hidden in Blackjack's mane now. I had Blackjack dive down so that he wouldn't see me. If he did see me, would he shoot me? I had seen the look on his face when he shot Fred, who I thought was his friend.

"Are you okay?" Carrie's voice called down gently.

"Go faster!" I whispered to Blackjack. He shot out of the dive and into the air. We passed Carrie, who caught a fleeting glance of my panicked expression, before Blackjack and I flew off. Soon I told Blackjack to land behind a Seven-Eleven. I went in and got him a glazed donut for his troubles.

"Thank you, Blackjack. You think you could take me back home?"

"Which home, girl boss?"

"Perrysburg home."

"You got it, girl boss."

He took me home and I didn't see Carrie anymore. He must've given up on looking for the mysterious intruder on his grounds. I reached home and hopped off Blackjack. I opened the door and yelped as a million Nerf darts struck my face.

"Where ya' been, Courtney?" Gage grinned at me from the top of the stairs.

"No where." I laughed.

"Don't look like nowhere!" He gasped, pointing to my shoulder.

It was still bleeding. I slapped a hand over it and winced.

"I said I wasn't anywhere, so I wasn't anywhere. Got it?" I hissed to him, climbing the stairs.

He nodded but pointed to the wound.

"What happened? Or is it another Demigod thing?"

"It's a demigod thing." I sigh, gently shutting my bedroom door behind me.

Gage was left out in the hall. I never told him what went on with my demigod life. I always just told him it was 'a demigod thing' and left it at that. I healed my arm and grabbed my nerf gun.

After Gage's and my awesome (and hour long Nerf fight, mom called us to dinner. After dinner she ordered us to bed because we kept shooting each other under the table.

The darts had kept hitting the dog and making him step on mom's toes. I laughed on my way to bed. Gage went into his own room and fell asleep. I laid in bed for what felt like an hour, but I still couldn't get to sleep. I kept wondering how Hailey was doing.

Probably sleeping, I thought.

A scream broke the silence. For a second I thought it was all in my head, until I heard Gage screaming my name, pleading me to help him.


Thank you guys so much for staying with my story, I'll do my best to not let you guys down!

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You guys got to twenty views! Thank you guys so much for getting to that many views. So, starting on Monday (tomorrow) I will be publishing two stories instead of one for this week!

See you guys on Monday!

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