Chapter twenty two: Carrie

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"Let us all welcome the new trainees!" I boomed.

Everybody started clapping and whistling.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back. I had no choice but to fall to my knees. The world went silent.

Is this really how I'm going to die? I thought to myself. Without even a fight? No way. I refuse.

I turned around. Fred had a bloody sword in his hand. Somehow I knew it was my blood.

"You." I growled.

"Surprised?" He grinned like a madman.

"Not at all. Juventas told me you were coming."

"I knew she would tell you, you were always her favorite student." Fred came at me and swung at my throat.

I quickly pressed my watch and my sword appeared in my hand. He lept over me but as he was in mid jump I go up and cut a chunk out of his thigh. He let out a howl of pain.

"Good. Now you feel how I do." I leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"You son of a—" He started but I hit him upside the head with the butt of my sword.

That shut him up, thank goodness.

I stood up again and felt my back. The adrenaline rush had worn off and the pain was overwhelming. My back was soaking wet, and not with sweat. I turned around. None other than the goth girl from Doleo's cabin stood in front of me. Doleo had warned me about this one.

Suddenly a skeleton erupted, followed by so many more. But they were surrounded by doors. Grace ran up to me and stood by my side. I was starting to get light headed but I refused to lose consciousness.

There was a huge boom from one of the doors. A few skeletons leaked into the circle. Another door exploded. And another. More and more skeletons made it in. I could distantly hear the shouts of the other campers. Then one voice rang over them all.

"NOT COOL." Neptuna shouted. There was a loud sound of rushing water, and a huge wave crashed into the circle. The skeletons were washed away and avoided Grace and I.

Neptuna appeared beside me.

"Are you okay?" She asked, before she saw my back and chest. She swore loudly and knelt before me. "How can I help?"

"I'm fine." I shook her off of me.

No matter what I couldn't show weakness. I stood up and saw something looming above Neptuna's head.

A shimmering blue trident.

"Behold!" I announced, "The daughter of Poseidon!"

Neptuna didn't smile. She didn't gasp in surprise. She didn't look up at the claiming mark. She frowned at me.

"You're not 'fine'. You don't have to hide the pain, you know. At least not from me. Pain isn't weakness. Pain is normal."

"Pain is man's biggest weakness." I murmured to her, so that no one else could hear.

"No it's not. Denial is." Neptuna glared at me.

I ignored her and turned to Grace.

"You can start war, I'll be right back."

"Sure." She nodded.

I walked away and headed for the clinic.

Without my noticing, Neptuna followed.

"Hey Carrie, what happened? Did someone get hurt during war?" Alivia asked.

"No, can you fix up my back?"

"I can do anything. Holy Hera! What happened?" She gazed at my back after I sat down on one of the couches.

"Somebody stabbed him." Neptuna spoke up.

I glared at Neptuna. "Shouldn't you be at war?"

"Shouldn't you be showing pain?" She raised an eyebrow and returned the glare.

"Darling, You must be new here." Alivia laughed.

Neptuna glared at her.

"And you must not understand that the praetor is in pain and needs help. So heal him. Now."

"Maybe you should go down to war, unless you're suddenly a healer."

"Just heal him and I'll leave."

"Just leave and I'll heal him."

"No." Neptuna looked at Alivia with determination.

She would stay here until I was healed.

"Okay. Take off your shirt." Alivia eyed my bloody shirt.

A normal person would ask why or just not take it off but I knew better. I peeled off my shirt. Neptuna blushed and looked away. I raised an eyebrow. Did she think I looked good, covered in blood?

Alivia placed her hand on the middle of my back. I could feel the blood disappearing and the wound shrinking, but in a moment it stopped shrinking. Alivia grabbed the medical wrap and started wrapping it around my torso. When she was having a bit of trouble getting it around me and keeping it there, unable to reach the pins, Neptuna stepped forward and held the wraps. Her face was extremely close to my own and I tried to look away but it was really hard.

After Alivia got it clipped she threw me an extra Camp Ops shirt then eyed my hand which was still wrapped up. She took the wrap off and healed my hand.

"Thanks." I grinned.

"Might want to hurry to war." Alivia smiled.

"Yeah, I guess." I got up and put the extra shirt on.

I looked at Neptuna. I wanted to talk to her, or show her kindness, but I couldn't. Not in front of Alivia. Or anyone else.


Hey guys sorry I didn't update yesterday I was at a birthday party (shout out to @DoveyGirl_kay)

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

Guys, I need your help. I'm currently writing an Avengers fanfiction, would you guys be interested in reading it? Should I publish it on Wattpad? Please tell me!

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Thanks for everything!


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