Chapter thirty eight: Carrie

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I felt like a lamb being taken to its slaughter. But worse, I was going willingly.

The boy came into the praetor cabin and spoke with a surprisingly deep voice.

"Praetor Carrie, sir?"


"It's time."

"Okay." I breathed, got up and faced him.

"Just so you know I have nothing against you but I have orders that if you try to run or escape that I am to kill you." He motioned to his sword.

"Yeah, I figured that after the battle."

The boy took in a deep intake of breath and nodded.

"I have to ask, do you have any weapons on you?"

"I don't need weapons." I tried not to let my gaze wander toward my watch.

"Sadly, I agree with you on that one."

"Shall we get going then?"

"Yeah, I guess so." The boy lead me down the stone streets of the town and finally stopped in front of the biggest and darkest building, the council building.

I stepped inside. The darkness seemed to swallow me, the outside sunlight died once the door shut.

"Take off the cape and leave it in this room." Boomed a voice from overhead.

"Good luck." Whispered the boy right before he ran away.

I slowly took off my praetor cape and gently placed it on one of the coat racks.

"Step into room one." The voice commanded.

When I stepped into the room it was almost pitch black. I sat in the wooden chair in the middle of the room. All around me everyone was taller than me, and not because they were all adults.

Almost immediately the air filled with murmurs and I quickly recognised Wallace White in a throne-like chair.

"Good morning." He spoke with a voice as if nails were scratching at a chalk board.

"Good morning." I spoke with almost that much hardness to my voice.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Not at all sir."

"Are you sure?"

"Are you accusing me of lying in front of the council?"

"Of course not, unless of course you are." He eyed me.

"I assure you I have absolutely no idea why I was summoned."

"Bring out your dog tag." Wallace ordered.

I knew there was no arguing the matter.

"Place it on the ground and show us what happened to Fred Wolfe."

"Sir I'm afraid that's classified information." I slowly rose from the chair.

"Nothing is classified to the council, or do you beg to differ?"

"I do beg to differ! That's classified information!"

"What are you hiding?" Wallace eyed me then turned toward the doorway, "Guards! Hold down the child!"

Wallace strode down the isleway and snached my dog tag away from me as two giant men tackled me to the ground and tied me to the chair.

I could feel all of the members of the council watching me, trying to figure out my next move and trying to figure out what I was hiding.

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