Chapter eight: Courtney

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I woke up in the Poseidon cabin at Camp Half Blood. I heard snoring below me and saw Percy drooling away in his bunk. My last memory was a arrow hitting me in the arm and then everything went black. Carrie had shot me. I looked up, a white note was taped right above my head. I reached up and examined it,

"Happy summer! Hope I didn't cause too much trouble. Hope I can see you again. Don't question my shooting abilities, either. -Carrie Martin, Praetor at Camp Ops (P.S. look down)"

"Stupid. Freaking. Blonde. Idiot." I growled as I hopped off of my bed. All of my stuff was already in place. Somehow I had been put in a coma or something. Had I really missed school? What about my grades? Had a Mist version of me done my homework for me? Suddenly I gasped. What about Gage? Where was he? Was he okay? Has Carrie been lying about Fred taking him?

"Gage!" I called. I knew it was no use, he wouldn't be at Camp Half Blood. But I was so stressed about him missing I didn't care. "Gage!"

I heard a snort behind me. I spun around. There lay Gage, snoring. On top of his shoulder sat another note.

"Your brother was so sweet, after I got him to shut up about how his 'sister would rip my guts out if she found me.' but I really didn't care. Just know I'm watching you. carrie won't allow me to kill you. I don't believe it's called murder if I torture you in front of him... keep an eye on your brother! -Fred"

"Percy!" I yelled.

"Wha-what d'you want?" he mumbled, obviously still asleep.

"Get up." I squirted some water onto his face.

"I'm awake! I'm awake! Is it pancake time yet?"

"What in Hades is pancake time?"

"I mean breakfast."

"No, it's not breakfast yet, you idiot."

"Then why'd you make me get up?"

"You have to see this." I gave him the note that was on Gage.

"That's messed up." Percy gave it back to me. "What's that one?" he asked, pointing to Carrie's note.

"Nothing." I shoved it into my pocket.

"C'mon, you can tell me!"

"Just some note. It doesn't matter."

"Then let me see it."

"Ugh! Fine." I handed it over.

"This guy a friend of yours?" Percy almost burst out laughing.

"Shut up."

"What's 'Camp Ops'?"

"I don't know."

"Look down" Percy repeated the note, then he saw Gage. "What the-"

"He's my step brother." I explained.

"Is he mortal or-"

"Mortal as far as I know. But I don't know if he saw anything."

"Saw any-? Oh right." Percy finally understood.

"Yeah, so what do we do?" I asked.

"We could take him to breakfast with us."

"No! He would want to stay!"

"Okay then how about we take him back on Blackjack?"

"He could wake up, I'm not risking that!"

"We could shadow travel with Mrs. O'Leary."

"I think that might work."

"Okay then. Let's go."

Percy and I walked toward the north woods to get Mrs. O'Leary. Percy did his best New York taxi cab whistle and she came bounding toward us. She immediately jumped on top of us and started licking both of our faces. After we got her to the door of the Poseidon cabin Percy went in and grabbed Gage, I helped him push Gage onto Mrs. O'Leary's back.

"You should stay here, I can do this alone." I said to Percy.

"Hey, I'm coming, I've spent all school year without you."

"Fine." I agreed.

He hopped on after me and whispered in Mrs. O'Leary's ear the location. She started running, straight toward the Mess Hall. For a second I thought we were going to crash into a stone pillar until we melted into the darkness and reappeared in my backyard. I looked over at Gage, still asleep, I sighed with relief.

"Stay here, no arguing!" I whispered to Percy then jumped off, Gage in my arms.

I silently snuck inside the house through the back door. That's when I decided I would tell Percy about my weird last week of school. I quickly put Gage back in his bed and ran back outside.

"Ready for breakfast?" I smiled.

"Can't wait." he laughed.

We headed back to camp but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being... watched. I know it sounds crazy but I just kept getting that feeling that someone was watching me. Percy and I arrived just in time for breakfast.

"So what's the deal with that new Athena girl? She keeps following me around." Percy asked while cutting his blue pancakes.

"Who? Hailey?"

"Yeah, I think that's her name. She's only been here about a week but she's freaking me out. Annabeth said she's doing the same thing to her."

I started laughing as Hailey walked over and hugged me. Percy looked like I had just hugged a bear.

"Hey Hailey." I smiled, almost laughing due to the look of utter amazement mixed with shock and surprise.

"Hey Neptuna."

"Have you been stalking Percy?"

"What? No!" Hailey started to giggle, I knew she was lying.

"Really? Wow." I rolled my eyes. "Percy, she won't be stalking you anymore, right Hailey?" I looked like a school teacher.

"Yes." Hailey looked down then went back to the Athena table.

During the rest of breakfast I told Percy everything that had happened to me during the school year. Sometimes he would ask questions, but I ignored them. Finally when I was all done Percy leaned back smiled and sighed,

"I can't believe it! You have a crush!" he sounded like a son of Aphrodite instead of Poseidon.

"I do not!" I argued.

"You do to! 'his tousled blonde hair and the freckles spotting his nose were so cute when he shot his friend'." Percy tried, but failed, to imitate my voice.

"I don't sound like that! And I didn't say that!" I playfully hit him.

"Sure you don't." he nodded.

"And he's not cute." I knew I sounded like I was lying.

Oh, well.

"You're lying! You seriously have a crush! Who's his godly parent again?"

"Apollo. And I don't have a crush on him. When is Capture the Flag?"

"Tomorrow. We're allied with Athena and Herm- Hey wait, don't try and change the subject!"

"Come on, let's get back to the cabin, cabin inspection is soon."

"I know, let's go."

We headed off to the cabin and started to clean.


Not much to explain with this chapter.

Thanks for everything. 

Comment anything. I love your guy's feedback.

I'm tired.


See you all tomorrow.

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