Chapter forty eight: Carrie

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I could almost feel my ADHD acting up. I couldn't stop shaking my leg and my mind wouldn't stay focused. I knew my walk with Natalie hadn't been as long as I was used to so I hoped that my ADHD would at least wait until I was asleep.

Once I got into the woods I walked as far away from our makeshift camp as possible. When the monsters had attacked our camp I don't think the other's noticed but they kept running at me, not at anyone else. The only reason that Neptuna got bit by that stupid dracanae was because she stood in front of the monster.

"And why did she stand in front of it?" I hissed angrily. "Because of me."

I turned and punched the nearest tree then sighed,

"Stupid feelings. Stupid everything."

I kept walking until I saw a river. But not just and river. The Little Tiber, which lead straight into Camp Jupiter. I walked as fast as I could, without drawing attention to myself, toward camp. I couldn't get caught or even seen anywhere near Reyna's camp.

Once I got a safe distance from Camp Jupiter I just started strolling aimlessly.

Snap, a twig behind me broke. Within a blink of an eye my bow was drawn and pointed at a fury.

"What is the reason for your presence?" I demanded.

"To kill you of course." The Fury hissed, it's voice hoarse.

"Why?" I questioned, not lowering my bow even by a fraction of a millimeter.

"You got too close to the location of Camp Jupiter."

"That doesn't matter. No one saw me."

"Maybe not, but you were much too close."


"I must kill you."

"Begone, furie."

The monster hissed and was about to dive at me, but I ducked underneath her and sprinted as fast I could back to the makeshift camp. But before I got too far, the furie tackled me. I rolled over under her and kicked her off. Then I got my bow and shot an arrow into her gut before scrambling to my feet and running back to camp. I almost tripped over the bushes as I came diving into the area.

"Whoa there mate!" Max stood quickly. "Are you alright?"

"Carrie?" Neptuna's voice asked from my tent.

I heard her climb out of the door, but I was too busy catching my breath to look up.

Suddenly I heard Neptuna gasp. "Carrie! Oh, gods, you're bleeding!" I felt her quickly sit down next to me. "Do you want me to get Alivia?"

"No," I groaned, sitting up. "I'm alright. Just a few scratches."

"Carrie, your whole leg is bleeding!" Neptuna sounded scared. I turned to look at her.

"Neptuna, why are you crying?" I asked, concerned.

"Because you're mad at me and you're hurt!" She whispered.

"Mad at you?" I said quietly. "No, no, I'm not mad at you..."

"Yes you are." She hung her head. "I shouldn't have followed you on the quest. I shouldn't have come. I should have just... I should have just let you go on and date a girl who you actually care about."

I blinked in surprise. "What?"

"I sh-should have just let you go before I fell too far... I should have j-just let you go out with Grace.... She's who you really love.... N-not me..."

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