Chapter forty three: Neptuna

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After breakfast Doleo lead us back to our cabin and after ten minutes of just sitting there (thinking about Carrie) she told us that it was time to go to History.

"Don't forget your papers!" She instructed us.

I grabbed my paper and realised I hadn't written anything on it. I quickly scribbled down, "Roman and Greek, both" and ran toward the door to catch up with my cabin.

I sat down in my dusty seat and gazed at the person talking with Ricky.


My heart lept but then I remembered, I couldn't let anyone know that I liked him. He probably didn't even like me. He was probably just treating me like a puppy that was dumped on his doorstep because Grace was missing, and he didn't want to hurt my feelings.

That's who he's really in love with, Grace. Not me, I thought. Or Natalie or Alivia. Anyone but me. I'm a loser.

"Okay everyone, your homework was to find out if our praetor is Greek or Roman." Ricky announced, "As none of you found out I do this every year just to see if anyone would guess. But before we hear the answer did anyone cheat?"

No one raised their hands. Suddenly a girl yelped and threw her paper down.

"The reason you had to use my papers is because a nice daughter of Hecate made sure that if you cheated then they would bust into flame, but only when I command them to."

Four papers burst into flame.

"Huh, last class it was a lot more, almost ten." Ricky sighed.

"What's the answer?" Asked a girl on the Roman side.

"Stand up if you got Greek." Ricky boomed.

The Greek side stood up and cheered, me as well. "Now stand up if you got Roman."

I stayed standing. Carrie glanced at me but quickly looked away, smiling slightly.

"You're all wrong!" Ricky yelled "Now, Carrie, would you like to tell us the correct answer?"

"Well, Ricky, one of them was correct." Carrie said. Then he turned to look at me. "Neptuna, tell us what you had, please."

"You're both Greek and Roman." I said, "Ricky hinted at it during class, but didn't flat-out tell us. Logic."

"Good job." Carrie nodded. "My mother is a descendant of the Roman Apollo but I am the son of the Greek Apollo. It's especially rare because most demigods that are Greek and Roman are different gods."

"Wouldn't that make you Greek?" One of the girls in my cabin asked.

"I'm both. Mother is roman, father is Greek, makes me both. If your father is German, and your mother is Irish, would that not make you both German and Irish?" Carrie looked at her. Sudden jealousy raged in me as she smiled at him and batted her eyes.

How dare she? He's mine! Back off! I saw Carrie glance at me and mouth, "Calm down."

I looked behind me and saw what he was talking about, a giant wave was rising behind my seat. I hunched my shoulders and willed the wave to disappear. Carrie had a curious glint in his eye as he turned back to the girl.

"Any more questions?" He smiled at her.

I knew it, I thought. He must like her. Not me.

I let my shoulders drop and looked down at my hands in my lap. I wouldn't let anyone see my face, because no one would want to see me. I'm not worthy of pity, because even my boyfriend doesn't care. He doesn't like me.

I heard a strange noise from up front and glanced up. Carrie was biting his lip and obviously having trouble staying where he was. He looked so apologetic, I didn't even realize he was trying not to tell me he was only messing around.

"No more questions?" Ricky asked.

No one spoke up.

"Okay then," Ricky turned to Carrie and said something, Carrie nodded and left.

As he left some of the girls let out a longing sigh and I glared at them, my gut twisting in jealousy.

"Okay so on to our regular lesson..." Ricky kept going but I didn't really pay attention.

Next was survival. Great, I thought, a teacher that wants to kill me, seems great for my health.

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