Chapter fifty two: Neptuna

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I asked Anchor to go as fast as he could, as far as he could, to get me away from the broken heart I was leaving behind. As he ran through the trees, stomping his own path, I asked him if he could get me to the ocean.

"I can try, my lady. But we are very far inland of California."

"California..." I knew I had some connection to this place. But I couldn't figure it out. And trying would just cause me more stress. I shook my head realizing I was so stressed that crying wasn't even an option. I felt numb, like there was no emotion in me. Is this how Carrie feels everyday?

Know what? Forget him. He doesn't care if I leave. He hasn't come after me. He just cares about his stupid camp and Grace.


The girl he really loves.

I shook my head again, getting rid of all thoughts of them. I only thought for my own life and how I would do my best to never return to them. I realized I was still wearing the wraps on my arms and neck, and told Anchor to stop someplace where I could get rid of them. They would only remind me of the jerks who didn't care.

Once Anchor slowed to a stop, I climbed down and began to tear the bandages off. It stung, but I was so numb that I didn't feel it very much. Soon I was clean of all wraps.

I climbed on anchors back again and examined my arms.

That furie did a lot of damage. I sighed internally.

"Anchor, I'm going to go to sleep. If anything happens or anyone approaches us, wake me up, okay?"

"Understood, my lady. Rest well."

"I'll try." I patted his neck before laying back on his back again and falling asleep.

"Courtney!" A voice shouted in my dreams. "Where are you?"

I suddenly realized they meant me. Who ever it was, sounded panicked.

"I'm here!" I called out into the stormy area around me. "I'm here!"

"Courtney!" The voice shouted again, this time hopeful and much closer. "It's Percy! Where are you? What happened?"

"Percy?" I finally spotted the boy, far away. "You're my brother, right?"

"Oh, gods, your memory got wiped!" Percy gasped. I glared at him.

"Yeah, I got that much. Leave me alone."

My dream shifted at my willing it to.

A strange wall appeared in front of me.

"Where am I?"

"Nowhere, and everywhere, girl." A voice responded "But to give it a name let's call it Martin industries."

"Martin?" I growled. "If you're part of his family, get out of my head."

"I am not apart of the family but I have watched over them for generations. But this is ten years ago."

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Just watch child."

The door in front of me was three or four times my height but it swung open easily.

I stepped inside the giant door.

"Go into the house, there is nothing to see out here." The voice directed. I nodded and continued inside.

Inside there was a little boy playing with a toy bow... at least I thought it was a toy.

"Carrie, stop messing around, it's time for lunch." Another voice called from what must've been the kitchen.

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