Chapter thirty four: Carrie

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I truly felt bad for Cameron. A few days ago I sent Alivia off to Pathos to learn some new healing methods. Well anyway, back to Cameron. After I had shot him, and Alivia had rushed him off to the clinic, I caught a glimpse of Neptuna as she was shoving through the crowd. I almost smiled, because she was out of the clinic, but she had given me a withering glare.

I was almost scared that she would remember Cameron, I knew that they were best friends.

What had I done? What made her angry with me? Was it because I had lied that I didn't know her, back when she showed up here, and she had remembered her old self? Was it because I had shot Cameron, and she had remembered him?

Right before the big battle I dipped one of my arrows in a special poison only found on Pathos. Alivia would be the only healer to cure it, and it would kill the poisoned one within minutes.

I had stuck my neck out to keep Alivia a healer too many times to count. This would hopefully secure her spot, if not, then I didn't know what I would do.

"Can I just say you're a complete lunatic?" Borac patted me on the back, laughing.

"That was amazing!" Juventas exclaimed

One by one all of the instructors came in telling me how amazing I was and how good that shot was but some part of me just felt like I had just lost that fight.

"You know in fighting class everyone's going to want to know how you did that, right?" Borac chuckled.

"That kid is an idiot!" Natalie slammed her hands down against the table, sounding like she was about to burst into fits of laughter.

"What'd you put on the arrow? What made him pass out? Probably some sleeping thing." She questioned.

"Poison." I whispered.

"What? I didn't hear you."

"Poison." I spoke louder. "He has at most five minutes to live. At least, about one minute."

There was shocked silence.

"I taught Alivia how to heal it." I sighed, "Let's just hope that she remembers."

Even more silence.

"Hey, I trust you and all but are you sure?" Natalie eyed me.

"Think back to when I first found you." I leaned toward her. "What was the first thing I ever said to you?"

Tears immediately gleamed in her eyes.

"You told me... that no matter what I could trust you and you would help me."

"Exactly. And you can trust me now. I'm pretty sure that Cameron will be fine."

"But only if the worst healer in the camp can save him, right?" Earnest eyed me.

"She's not the worst." I growled.

"Hey dude, we know why you try to help her out and everything."

"Yeah, we were all there." Borac added.

"I never thought the gods could be that evil until that moment." I mumbled.

The door creaked open and Alivia peaked her head in.

"I think he's going to be fine." She smiled.

"Good." I sighed.

"And... Uhm... " Alivia glanced around the room at all the people, then back at me, her smile fading. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I said quickly and went with her, behind a building.

"Neptuna is there. Cameron is out cold, but Neptuna is staying by his bed. Does she know him?"

"I don't know." I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't know." I repeated.

"Okay," She started walking away and I didn't stop her.

After I was sure she was gone I started walking back into the praetor cabin.

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