Chapter twenty one: Neptuna

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After breakfast the day went by pretty quickly. Lunch came and went. Then dinner. The other girls in my cabin tried to answer all of my questions but when I asked about the guy that was in the middle of the table they just started giggling. One of the girls lead me away from the group. She had black hair and dark eyes.

"You don't have to worry about him any longer." She whispered so that the others couldn't hear.

"Why?" I asked.

"He's not going to be praetor for long."

"But why?"

"It's all going to happen during the ceremony." She hurriedly whispered then tried her best to look natural.

"What cha doin'?" Doleo eyed her.

"Nothing, what are you doing?"

Doleo lead me away from the girl. "Stay away from that one if you can help it."


"She's probably the worst person to put your trust into."


"She's a daughter of Hades."

"So? A parent shouldn't define someone."

"It does with her."

"What about you?"

"Me what?"

"Does your parent define you?"

"My dad is Ares, you can decide if that defines me."

"Definitely." I decided.

Doleo walked to the middle of the room.

"Attention! Attention!" She yelled.

On instinct, I think, I snapped into a stiff position. I had been slouched with bad posture. Now I stood with perfect posture, a high chin, and my wrists crossed behind my back. My heels were together.

"Ma'am!" I snapped.

Everybody went quiet.

"Okay..." Doleo stared at me. "...So as we all know the ceremony is in an hour and a half so let's all get ready!" She announced.

The minutes started to pass like seconds. I got changed into a Camp Ops t-shirt and changed into different jeans. My arms wouldn't allow me to throw the strange neon orange in the trash so I just folded it nicely and put it under my matress. Most of the girls did somebody else's hair but I did my own. Simple ponytail. For some reason it felt weird to be in a cabin with all girls. Almost as if I was used to being with boys.

Before I knew it, Doleo was telling us all to line up to go to the ceremony. We walked down the hills and into the field. The praetor and some girl were talking. The praetor had his arm covered in dog tags—all blank— we stood to the left where there were already younger kids gathered. Doleo told me to stand in the front and she also told me where to stand when the ceremony starts.

After everyone arrived, the ceremony started. The praetor stood in front of everyone.

"Can all of the new trainees step forward?"

I walked to where Doleo told me to earlier. There were about twenty or thirty of us. I was the fifteenth in line. Everyone was silent as the praetor went one by one down the line, placing one of the dog tags on each of us. Finally, he got to me. He pulled one of the dog tags off of his arm and silently placed it around my neck then he moved on. Why wasn't he looking me in the eye? I took the dog tag in my hand and gazed at it. The white metal shimmered then suddenly read:


Not Sure

New Trainee



Age: 12"

The praetor used up the rest of the dog tags then walked to the middle of the crowd.

"Let us all welcome the new trainees!" He boomed.

Everyone started clapping and whistling.

No one noticed the boy.

With the sword.

Charging at the praetor.

The praetor didn't see him.

"He's not going to be praetor much longer." The girl had told me at the cabin.

I looked over at her, terrified. She was grinning.



Okay guys I know you probably all have me right now...

Just remember, I'm not scared to kill off characters!

Please tell me, do you guys want an Avengers fan fiction!

Comment, Like, share, all of that sort of stuff.

Thanks for everything.

See you all next time!

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