Chapter seven: Carrie

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"You did what?" I screamed into the misty image of Fred at Camp Ops. I was just packing my backpack when I got the message.

"I did what I had to do! You know that!" He yelled back.

"No you didn't! You did what you wanted! And without permission!"

"I had my own permission!" He smiled matter-of-factly and crossed his arms.

"Where is he?" I demanded.

"Where's who?" Fred laughed.

"The boy! Neptuna's non-demigod brother!"

"I'm not going to tell you." He smiled as the image disappeared.

I soon heard the busses brakes squeak in front of the wall and I hurried out, quickly saying goodbye to the gods and goddess in my house.

"There's the rich kid!" Someone yelled from the back of the bus.

"Yeah, all hail the great and powerful Carrie!" Someone else yelled.

"Shut up." I grumbled.

"Is that an order, general Martin?" Some girl giggled.

"Sure." I sighed as I sat down in my seat at the front of the bus.

I didn't really look like a rich kid, my messy blonde hair sometimes covered my freckles. I always wore jeans and a sweatshirt that covered up my Camp Ops t-shirt. I pulled out my dogtag from inside my shirt and started examining it. Dogtags always showed rank by magically changing color from white to black and then to a job. Fighters got red, the praetor (that's me) has purple, and so on. Mine was purple and on the back it said,

"Carrie Martin


Fully Ranked



Age: 13"

"Oh! Army boy has a necklace!" Someone from the seat behind me laughed.

I almost laughed, if they knew who I was and what I've done they would either be shaking with fright or they would be dead, because I would kill them.

"Grab it!" I heard someone whisper. I shoved it back in my shirt just as the person behind me made a grab for it.

"Nice try, but no." I laughed as they tried again.

The rest of the bus ride went by with more teasing and nicknames. When we finally reached school, I clambered off the bus and to my locker. I caught a glimpse of Neptuna at her locker. She wasn't talking to her friend, the blonde boy, with the icy blue eyes, who was trying to make a conversation with her.

She had the hood of her faded blue sweatshirt up over her face, so I couldn't see her eyes. Suddenly, as the boy said something, her head jerked up and I saw the look of dismay in her teal-blue eyes. The boy froze and stared. Neptuna glared at the boy, then walked away to her first class with stiff posture. Great, now she's ticked off about her brother. I watched as the brunette retreated down the stairs. I turned on the boy and walked over to him.

"What'd you say to her?" I demanded. He stared at me in shock.

"I... I-I just asked if she was arguing with her brother!" The boy stammered.

He was obviously surprised that a stranger was asking about the well being of one of his friends.

I growled and walked away.

The bell rang and we both had to rush off to our separate classes. After finishing fourth period, it was time for lunch. I went straight for the fitness room, like usual. I ate in there. I saw Neptuna in line, leaning against the wall in silence, her face still hidden. She was the last one in line at the moment. I hurried so I could talk to her, but about five people beat me into line. I sighed and let my thoughts wander. I remembered what had happened the day before, back at my house. There had been some girl that had intruded on the grounds with a black pegasus. She had flown off. I had seen the injury she sustained- a shot to the shoulder. It looked bad. But after she had left I forgot about it. Now I had to tell Neptuna what had happened. I guess it was about time I told her flat-out I was a demigod. She knew, I assumed. And I needed her help to get her brother back from Fred. I couldn't do it alone.

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