Chapter five: Carrie

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I got to school and Fred dragged me outside. He started yelling about how he would tell the camp to take away my praetorship if I didn't stop talking to that greek Neptuna. I refused because he had no power over me and he freaked out. He transformed into wolf form and bit me in the shoulder then started scraping up my arm. I finally knocked him off of me and I aimed my bow right at his head, my silver arrows loaded. When I had first saw him at this school I was so angry. He wasn't supposed to leave the camp. Ignoring the pain in my arm, I lead him to Mt. Limen, locked him into the camp, then proceed to school, my arm throbbing in pain. I knew I had to get something on it so there wouldn't be any long-term effects.

The day went by and after science the weirdest thing happened; Neptuna actually tried to help me, it was so strange.

She looked at me like I was a monster, but I was just confused. No one had ever offered me help before, not with anything. I know that sounds crazy but it isn't. We don't offer anyone 'help' at Camp Ops.

Camp Ops is usually depicted as cruel but it really isn't that bad. Yeah, we don't have as much fun as Camp Half Blood, but we aren't as orderly as Camp Jupiter. We don't give people tattoos or girly necklaces. We give people hard work and real training. We sort people into their living quarters by age, not parent. Though Fred would argue that it was horrible, I'm used to it. Both of my parents work for the military but my mother earned our fortune by making weapons for the military.

I thought about all of this on the way home. Finally the bus stopped in front of my mansion and I climbed out. There was a strange sensation in my gut as I got off my bus, but I disregarded it. I entered the code of my gate and it swung open for me to go inside.

"I'm home, Maiesta and Lima!" I yelled when I got in the door.

"Hello!" Lima greeted me at the threshold.

"Good afternoon Mr. Martin." Maiesta smiled.

"Any word from my parents?" I asked them half-heartedly, I knew there wouldn't be any news.

My mom was serving her ninth tour in Iraq while my dad was serving his twelfth tour in Saudi Arabia.

"No, not even an Iris Message" Lima informed me, her eyes refusing to meet my gaze, almost like she had wanted to hear from one of them.

"They're fine" Virtus said, obviously hoping to cheer me up.

"Oh, dear! What happened to your arm?" Angita grabbed my bad arm and healed it.

"I'm going to go to my room to do my homework. I'll call for you if I need any of you." I started walking toward my glass room.

"I swear there's something wrong with that kid." I heard Virtus whisper, "If you ask me he should go into the military the second he gets old enough."

"Be quiet! He's just under a lot of stress, being praetor and all!" Lima hissed.

Ahead of me I heard a loud bang. I silently dropped my backpack and drew my magical bow.

It was coming from my room. I stepped into the doorway. There sat a dog in the middle of my glass room.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded the dog.

It probably looked strange because I had a deadly golden bow pointed straight at a dog's head. But I knew it was Fred.

"Can't you sense her?" Fred growled.

"Then she can see who I really am." I shot.

"Who you 'really are'? Wow, you are getting weak."

"Weak? You are the one getting weak!"

"Weak?" He yelled.

"Yeah! And I should have you exiled to Camp Half Blood or Camp Jupiter for even suggesting that! That I've gone soft! Weak!" I hung on every word.

"You know the second you go back to camp they'll look at you and laugh!"

"They'll smile at the fact that you aren't their praetor!" I spat. By that time I was steaming, my fingers let go of the bow string and a silver arrow shot toward Fred. The dog howled as the arrow lodged into his leg. I knew the council would hear about this but at the moment I didn't care.



"Come here, please."

She came and looked strangely at the dog with the arrow sticking out of it.

"Please take him, mend him then send him on his way." I ordered, still angry at Fred.

"The council will hear about this!" Fred yelled.

"Can't wait." I rolled my eyes as Angita carried him off.


Hey guys, yet another update.

Let's make a deal, if this story get's twenty reads then I will make next week a double week. Which pretty much mean two stories every time I would publish one.

If you didn't notice I changed the cover, please tell me if you like it!

Comment for literally anything, I love hearing your guy's feedback!

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