Chapter seventeen: Courtney

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The next morning I went to breakfast to find Percy sitting at the table.

"Percy!" I grinned and threw my arms around his shoulders in a tight hug. "You're okay!"

"M'kay, if you could just not hug so tight-!" Percy squeaked. "My arm! Ow, ow ow ow!"

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" I jump back and glance at his arm that was in a sling. "Sorry!"

"It's alright." Percy smiled as I sat down next to him.

"And what are you going to do about your plan?" I nudged him and glanced at Annabeth.

"I'm not sure." He said, face glowing red as he stared down at his blue pancakes.

"Fine. And would you care to explain what happened yesterday to get you so badly injured you have to wear a sling?" I suddenly felt angry at him. How dare he get hurt!

"I was trying to defend the camp from that army of Chimeras!" Percy frowned at me, like it was obvious.

"You could have just sent me a telepathic message, like 'Oh, hey sis? We're under attack. I can't handle it on my own. Come help.'"

"I was a little busy not dying to do that."

"Hmph." I took a bite of the scrambled eggs on my plate. I was mad at him for thinking he could do that on his own. He was one of only two siblings, and I had to keep him safe.

"Aw, no, don't be mad at me." Percy groaned.

"Did you really think you could hold off seventeen chimeras at once?" I exclaimed, turning to him.

"Actually, it was twenty, and I took down three!" Percy attempted to cross his arms but failed miserably.

"But you were so badly hurt you're wearing a sling, Percy! You could have been hurt much worse, if Will and I hadn't gotten there to keep you from bleeding out!"

"I would have been fine!"

"No, you wouldn't've! I've always got to save your butt because you're so foolish as to run into battle alone against an army!"

"You do that all the time!"

"That's because I have enough power to do so!"

"Are you saying I'm weak?"

"No! I'm saying you're an idiot! People need help sometimes, okay? Even if they don't want it." I began to calm down and sighed the last part.

"You never ask for help." Percy pointed out.

"Yes, actually, I do. Just not in battle."

"Then in what?"

"School. Haven't you seen my grades? Horrendous. Failing two of my classes, until I got some help."



"...Okay." He gave me a sympathetic look and went back to his blue pancakes.

I sighed and continued to eat my scrambled eggs.

"Hey, baby." Will's voice said from behind me as he covered my eyes with his hands. "Guess who?"

"My boyfriend." I smirked as I felt him shake with a chuckle.

"Correct." Will took his hands off my face and set them gently on my shoulders.

"Wait— What?" Percy frowned at Will and I.

I blushed.

"Percy, I'm pleased to inform you that your sister and I are an item." Will grinned.

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