Chapter eleven: Carrie

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 I walked into Camp Ops. I saw the trees, the weaponry, and so many other buildings. Camp Ops is surrounded by mountains, people stopped and stared at me but I was used to it, I was praetor after all.

I walked straight to the Praetor Cabin, that's where Grace always was. Grace was assigned to always watch where I was, where I was going and to make sure I didn't break any rules of Rome, if I ever went to trial she would have to be there. I walked to the ginormous oak doors and was greeted with a hug.

"Great to see you too Grace." I smiled.

She brought me at arm's length, almost examining me.

"I still can't believe you shot Fred." She looked me dead in the eyes. "There's—"

"He deserved it! Good for you, finally shooting him!" She looked dead serious.

"Hey, don't let anyone hear you saying that! You could get in some serious trouble!"

"He did though." Grace crossed her arms.

"You already know what I did over the school year, so what did you do?" I asked.

"Not much, but look!" she pulled out her dog tag, which, instead of a light gray was now a pitch black. "That's enough of me. What about Neptuna? I can't believe you went to Camp Half-Blood! You're lucky I'm not going to tell anyone! And I see the way you look at her." Grace smirked, she talked really quickly, I could tell she was excited.

She always talked about my life like it was a modern Television show. I sat down at my desk and relaxed.

"You so like her!" Grace exclaimed

"I don't know if I do or not." I muttered.

"Oh, trust me, you like her. You like her a lot." Grace leaned against my desk, she looked as though she was reading a romance novel that just got to the climax.

She was about to burst with excitement, I could tell. I rolled my eyes.

"Calm down, Grace."

"I can't! It's like Romeo and Juliet!"

"How so?" I asked sarcastically.

"Forbidden love, duh!"

"It's not forbidden, or love."

"Yeah, it's forbidden. Dude, she's from Camp Half-Blood." Grace sounded exasperated.

"It's not forbidden if one group just doesn't know about our group."

"Really?" Grace raised her eyebrow.

She set down her dog tag and an image of me and Neptuna fighting showed up.

"...Fred has him! Not me!" I was yelling.

"The only person that can authorize a mission is the praetor, and guess who that is!" Neptuna screamed.

The image disappeared and Grace's face reappeared, smirking.

"'And guess who that is'." Grace repeated. "I could've sworn she was going to swoon into your arms." she sighed.

"But she's Greek!"

"You are Greek, don't forget that."

"I'm Roman!"

She grabbed my arm, "This is Greek blood."

"It's Roman!" I pulled my arm away.

"It's both! And can you repeat how that is?"

"My mother is the daughter of the Roman Apollo and my step-dad is the son of Mars. But I'm the son of the Greek Apollo."

"Yes. Greek. You have to go to her!"

"How do I know she feels the same?"

"Look- look at this." Grace tapped her dog tag. Another image appeared, of Neptuna in my arms. My face turned red as I watched her snuggle into my chest from a different perspective. She looked like she was meant to be there. Like she wanted to be there. And stay there. The image faded.

"Now do you see? She loves you too!"

"It's not love!" I glared down at my desk.

"Maybe not yet. But you have to! If you won't do it on your own, I'll make you. I'll tell the council."

"What?" I looked up at her. "Why would you- No!"

"All you've got to do is talk to her."

"N— Why should I— I don't have to—" I gave up trying to help her feelings. "No."

Grace seemed disappointed but she still kept looking at me as if I were in Romeo and Juliet.

The rest of the day went by quickly.

Soon it was time to go to sleep, I went over to my make-shift room and lay down on the cot. I could hear Grace snoring in the next room. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


It's another short chapter!

I normally say the same things but I'll say them again.

Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter, I hope you all liked it.

I'm going to put in a new chapter right after this, so don't get too upset about such a short chapter.

Please get the word out about this. If you like it please share it with your friends. If not, then I swear it'll get better later on.

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