Chapter thirty: Carrie

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After breakfast I sat at my desk and waited for Katrina and Tommy with Fred. After Tommy arrived, gripping Fred's arms behind his back.

"Bonds or no?" Tommy asked, motioning to Fred's hands.

"No bonds, I can take him if he acts out." I responded.

"Okay, if you say so." He shrugged.

Once Katrina came but she was confused about what exactly we were doing.

"Okay so I've never tried this before but it's worth a try." I announced.

"What exactly are we doing?" Katrina eyed me.

"Well, you are going to try a memory wipe."

"What? That's crazy!"

"Yes, but it's worth a try." I nodded.

"Who?" She stumbled back, obviously thinking it was her.

"Fred." I looked toward him.

"I would love to see you fail." He spat.

"He won't fail." Tommy growled, glaring at Fred.

"Okay, so what you're going to do is look into Fred's eyes." I directed to Katrina.

"O-Okay." She looked at Fred.

"Now, imagine him slowly disappear from his head to his toes."

She looked at him then slowly started to move her head down. Fred started laughing.

"Is that it?"

"Now, don't stress out, just take a deep breath and try again. Remember, breath." I tried to reassure her.

She breathed deeply then re-tried.

Suddenly Fred fell to his knees writhing in pain. He gasped for breath. Tommy stumbled back, almost tripping over a chair.

I walked over to the gasping Fred and made him look me in the eyes.

"What is your name." I asked.

"Fred." He growled.

"Where are you?"

No answer. If I knew anything about Fred I knew if he didn't know an answer then he wouldn't say anything.

I let go of him and turned back to Katrina, her eyes wide at what she had done.

"Okay, to seems you did it right but you only went back about three years." I spoke, remembering when Fred first broke into the Praetor cabin.

"Should I try again... sir?" She tried to look brave but I could tell she was absolutely terrified.

"You don't have to call me sir, it sounds to formal. If you feel up to it then you can try again but if you don't feel up to it then—"

"I can do it." She immediately looked determined.

"Okay than, go ahead." I stepped back and allowed her to keep going.

As Fred writhed and gasped in pain I looked over to Tommy. His eyes were darting from Fred to Katrina.

"You know you that you don't have to watch, right?" I murmured to him.

"No, it's fine... just, how'd you think of this?" He eyed me.

I didn't know how to answer, to be honest. I was thinking of Neptuna, then I remembered how she didn't remember anything about herself when she first came to camp.

"I was thinking about what the punishment should be for trying to kill me, then I remembered about that thing with Jason Grace and Perseus Jackson then I thought of this." I finally spoke.

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