Chapter twelve: Courtney

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The day had finally come to an end. After the sing along with the Apollo cabin I climbed into my bunk. Percy was off with Annabeth somewhere, and would be back in a little while. There was a knock on the Cabin door. I got out of bed and opened it.

"Oh, hey Will." I smiled at him.

"Uhm... Hi, Courtney. I was wondering... You know, we're friends and all... Would... Would you like to go on a date with me?" Will was obviously having trouble with his words. I smiled at his shy expression.

"Of course, Will. I would love to. See you in the morning, alright?"

"R-Really?" He grinned. I nodded. It would be nice to keep my mind off of Gage and Carrie. A date with Will would be distracting, right?

"Thank you Courtney! So I was thinking we could go for a swim or something, out on the beach tomorrow. I have free time just before lunch."

"Sounds fun. Goodnight, Will." I smiled at him and he grinned back. Then he walked off in a happy daze and I climbed back in bed. Percy came in.

"Night, sis." He mumbled tiredly.

"I have a date with Will tomorrow, just so you know." I glanced at him.

He frowned.

"Will? Will Solace?"


"I thought you liked that Carrie guy."

"I don't know."

"Okay." Percy slumped into his bed and began to snore immediately. I chuckled at him and rolled onto my side, slipping off into dreamland.

In the morning I woke, ready to fall back asleep. But I remembered my date with Will and shot out of bed. The faster I move, the faster I can get ready, the faster the date came. I was excited, never having been on a real date before. What was going to happen?

I sped off to breakfast. I saw Will at his table, chatting with a few of his friends. He saw me and grinned, waving. I waved back and sat down, munching on some Vegetarian bacon. After I was done I went and got my morning responsibilities done. It was finally time for my date with Will.

I got changed into a swimsuit and put my clothes back on over it. Then I walked down to the beach.

A plaid red and white beach blanket waited for me.

"Oh, Carrie's not going to be happy about this!" I heard a sing-song voice whisper next to me.

I turned to look for the speaker, but found no one. I shrugged, thinking it was probably my conscious being stupid. I sat down on the blanket and waited for Will. He appeared with a picnic basket, smiling at me. I smiled back sweetly. His face turned pink as his smile widened. I patted the spot next to me. He shuffled over and sat down, setting the picnic basket next to us.

"So." I smiled at him and took his hand. He stared at it with wide eyes and a red face. "Wanna go for a swim?"

"S-Sure!" He grinned and pulled me to my feet. "First one to the water gets first pick of the sandwiches!" Will let go of my hand and sprinted off to the water. I laughed and ran after him. I was, of course, the first one in the water. When I surfaced, he jumped in and splashed water all over me. I laughed and splashed him back as his head resurfaced.

"Dang! I thought I could beat you!" Will was right next to me as we floated on the water. We held hands like we had been together for much longer than a few minutes.

"Oh, really? You thought you could beat the daughter of the god of the sea into the ocean?" I giggled.

"Kind of. I guess I was just transfixed by you." He turned to look at me.

I turned to look at him and smiled wider.

His blonde hair was perfect, wet and crazy like a surfer king. He kept looking at me as if I were Aphrodite herself, beautiful and sweet. My face burned pink. Will and I had been friends since my first day at camp. I had always had my suspicions about his liking of me, but dismissed it.

Now I was glad I had accepted his offer of a date. This was fun. I wondered absently about what was going on at lunch, because we were missing it. Or, we would be missing it. Lunch was in about ten minutes.

"You look amazing." Will sighed contentedly. "With the water and such around you."

"You look good too. Thank you." I was too embarrassed to smile to his face, so I looked away. But Will turned my face back to look at him. We stared into eachothers eyes silently, both our faces red, but the blush was fading as we stayed there, fingers entwined.

We sat there for a minute. Will leaned over and kissed me.

On the lips.

I didn't pull away, and I really didn't want to. 


Well, I guess this is a little better, i guess.

It's still a little short but I hope that's fine with you guys.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it.

Please comment for anything, I love hearing your snarky remarks or just stupid little things, they always make me smile.

See you guys tomorrow!

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