Chapter forty four: Carrie

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"Juventus!" I yelled and jogged toward her, "Don't kill him!"

I grabbed her arms in order to stop her from stabbing Caleb in the gut.

I tried my best to calm her down, luckily she listened to me, though she refused to make eye contact with him.

"Did no one ever tell you never to tick off a goddess?" I yelled at him after I pulled him into a standing position.

"All I did was mention that I wanted to ask questions about you!" He yelled back, his eyes wide.

"Sadly that actually makes sense." I sighed and turned to Juventus, "Calm down."

"He's from Council!" Juventas growled. "He wants you dead!"

"No, he doesn't. He's cool. Relax." I put my hands on her shoulders.

Juventus took a deep breath and calmed down till she was totally relaxed. "Fine. But if he—"

"I know." I sighed then turned toward Caleb, "Don't mention anything about council."


"Alright. Now stay calm, both of you, I'm headed to a class that I have to teach. It's Doleo's cabin with archery. See you guys later."

Once I reached the archery range, I smiled at all the girls who were waiting for me. Neptuna was standing in the back of the group and glaring down at the floor, clutching her bow tightly. I felt bad for making her almost cry during history.

But then again, seeing her so mad at that girl was probably one of the greatest adrenaline shots ever.

"Hello class." I smiled at all of them, even though Neptuna wasn't looking at me. "So, I'm going to need everyone to pair up for this training exercise."

All the girls began to pair up. I realized that there was an uneven number of campers, and that Neptuna was left without a partner. I strode over to her and said,

"You've got no partner. Mind if I take that position?"

She looked up at me in surprise, but nodded for me to be her partner. I glanced at the class, to my surprise most of them were glaring at Neptuna.

"Okay everyone. Each group pick a target and a person to go first. The second person will watch the first person, pay attention to how they shoot, and give them feedback with advice. Try to keep it positive, please."

I turned to Neptuna and she raised the bow toward me. I realised I was standing in front of the target.

"Watch where you're aiming that thing!" I scrambled out of the way.

I stood next to Neptuna and watched her aim the arrow but it was slightly tilted.

"Try straightening your back." I told her.

"Alright." She muttered, then fixed her posture. She kept glancing back at me.

"Stay focused on the arrow and the target, Neptuna. If the two aren't lined up then try to make them line up."

She glared at me. "You really think I can focus—" She hissed. "When you are right next to me?"

My eyes widened in surprise. "I'm distracting you?" I said quietly.

"Yes, you're distracting me!" She whispered sharply.

"Okay, okay I'll just hide, I won't be watching you at all." I stepped out of her eyesight.

"That's really not going to help." She muttered. "I can still tell that you're there."

"How am I even distracting to you?" I frowned.

"You in general is distracting!" She turned her head to glare at me. "Is it wrong for a girl to be distracted by her boyfriend? You're too good-looking for your own good!"

I smirked and she looked away, obviously blushing. I turned away from her, so she would be less self-conscious and watched her through the reflection on a shield.

"Try to concentrate more." I told her though she didn't know that I could see her in a shield that was leaning against another target.

I heard the thwack of her arrow hitting the target, almost in the middle but not quite there yet.

"Good!" I smiled and turned around again. She glanced back at me and looked away quickly. I had an idea, but I might have to wait to put it to use.

"How'd you see that?" She asked.

"I see everything in this camp." I stopped, "Liza stop aiming at me, aim at the target or I'll take away your bow."

Neptuna stared at me after she saw Liza turn her bow back to the target.

"What? I said I see everything." I smirked.

Neptuna frowned then aimed her bow at the target again.

Here we go. I thought, stepping up behind her. She froze. I put my hands over hers and helped her pull the bow back all the way and aim the arrow straight.

"Now, let it go." I whispered in her ear. She shuddered and let go of the bowstring.

The arrow landed right on the bullseye.

"Oh my gods," She whispered then her eyes lit up, "Oh my gods! I did it!"

I chuckled and squeezed her hands, because they were still wrapped around each other. She blushed and looked at me. I quickly squeezed her hands once more, let go and stepped back.

"Okay everyone, come on over." I boomed.

After all the girls gathered.

"Does anyone have any questions?" I asked.

Almost everyone's hand shot into the air, all except Neptuna's.

"Yes?" I pointed to one of the girls in the front.

"How did you grab Cameron's sword right out of his hand without cutting your hand?"

"Lots of practice."

"Can you teach us?" Another girl asked.

"There's not enough time today. Yes?" I pointed to another girl.

"Can you teach us how to shoot like you?"

"Lots of hard work," I glanced at my watch. "Well, it's time for you all to return to your cabin, so Doleo?" I looked to her.

She nodded and directed everyone to head back to their cabin. After they left I walked around to all of the targets, and surrounding buildings, to collect the arrows.

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