Chapter twenty nine: Neptuna

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I don't know what made me do it but the second I saw the glow of light coming from the praetor cabin I jumped out of bed and left my cabin.

I wish that I could say that I saw everything but it would be a total lie. I got here as the light disappeared. I saw Carrie go into a room so I decided it would be rude to watch him like some sort of stalker so I headed back to my cabin.

As I drifted off to sleep I wondered where Carrie had been. He hadn't been at lunch or diner or story telling.

Finally morning came. I had slept, but only for a few hours.

As my cabin headed to breakfast everyone kept looking over at the girl who had questioned Carrie and grinning as she was still glaring at everything (and everyone) while trying to hide her new haircut.

After we took our seats in the Mess Hall I could feel almost everyone looking at the praetor, of course I was too, though he didn't seem to notice. He looked around, smiled, then stood for his speech.

"Good morning to everyone, I hope that everyone tries their best in training. Now, let's eat!" He sat back down and the hall started eating.

I gazed up at him. He whispered something to Ernest then handed him two things and pointed once to my table and once toward a different table. Ernest took the things, got up, then started to come over to my table.

I wondered who the notes were for and what they said.

Ernest walked right passed me and handed it to the person that was sitting next to me. Quickly, the girl ripped the note open and read it.

"Come to the praetor cabin after breakfast. Make sure you aren't followed." She read quietly.

Questions started forming in my mind, What did Carrie need this girl for? Why could no one follow her?

The girl quickly shoved the note into the pocket of her baggy camo pants.

I finished up eating my blue waffles and my cabin headed off to our first class, fighting and self defense.

As we headed off toward the field where two people were waiting for us. The girl ran up to Doleo and whispered something in her ear, after Doleo nodded she ran off toward the praetor cabin.

"Okay so everyone line up in front of us!" The man yelled.

We all did. I recognised the man as Borac but the woman next to him I wasn't sure. I had always seen her talking to Carrie during the meals.

The woman started scanning all of us then started moving us. She put me next to the girl with the new haircut. Oh great, I thought, I'm next to to her.

"Now that Juventas has partnered you all up everyone find a spot and face your partners."

We did.

"Now, weapons out!" Borac boomed.

I clicked my pen and my trident appeared in my hand.

"We both favor our parent's weapons, huh?" The girl yelled from halfway across the field.

"Now," He glared at her, "Ready your weapons, if you have a bow load it, but do not aim."

I gripped my trident and was ready to run as fast as I could as soon as Borac gave the word.

"Ready. Set. Go!" He announced. "No do not stop or slow down when Juventas or I give you pointers!"

The girl and I met in the middle and her dumb black pitchfork got stuck in my trident.

"You look like a nymph." She spat on my shoe.

I tried to summon water but with no luck. I swung my trident free and hit her in the ribs.

"Try to hit her with the butt, not the prongs, Neptuna!" Juventas yelled.

"I know what I'm doing!" I complained, not once taking my glare off of the girl. She stabbed at my gut and I jumped back.

Our weapons clanged together loudly as we battled.

My heart leapt as the girl looked at the people to our left battling. I hit her in the ribs then flipped over her and tripped her with the prongs. Luckily, she fell flat on her back, the wind knocked out of her. She let out a loud cuss word.

"Hey, watch your language Liza!"

"Fine, if that's how you want to play it, it's on." Liza growled and jumped up, pitchfork in hand.

"Give it your best shot." I grumbled under my breath.

Suddenly the ground erupted and skeletons grabbed my ankles. Liza strolled up to me and elbowed he in the stomach then hit me with the butt of her pitchfork right in my ribs. I could feel them crack. I looked over at Borac and Juventas for help but they were busy on the other side of the field.

For the second time I tried to summon water, I knew it was somewhere because I had summoned it at the ceremony.

Instantly I heard the sound of rushing water and a wave surrounded Liza and I. The skeletons let go of me and I ran behind Liza.

I raised my trident, as I swung it down Liza jumped up, kicked me in the ribs then tried to take me down. I took her down instead. My trident was at her throat, ready to stab.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my arms. My trident fell at my feet. Juventas grabbed Liza.

Borac lead me away from Liza and Juventas then sat me down on a bench where I grabbed my ribs in pain.

"I really hate to say this but that was awesome!" He murmured to me, obviously trying not to let anyone else hear.

I looked over his shoulder and saw that my whole cabin had stopped fighting and watching both Liza and I.

"Now, you need to go to the clinic, I'll help you stand."

"I'm fine." I grumbled and tried to get up but quickly fell back down in pain.

"Come on." He gripped my arm and put it around his shoulder.

I jumped up and he guided me toward the clinic.

"Where's Alivia?" I questioned once I saw that she wasn't at the clinic.

"No idea."

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