Chapter fifteen: Courtney

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There was a loud and unrecognizable noise from the direction of Half Blood Hill just as I pulled away from Will.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Let's go find out."

We both got out of the water and ran as fast as our legs could carry us. Percy was lying in a bloody heap near the big house.

"Percy!" I screamed and ran to him, dropping to my knees. I cradled his head in my lap as I looked over his wounds. "What happened to him?" I turned to Will, desperate for answers.

"That might have something to do with it." Will stepped back, obviously amazed at what he was seeing. I turned my head slowly and gasped. About 17 Chimeras stood on the crest of Half Blood hill.

"Courtney, I'll get Percy. Run!" Will took my hand and pulled me off Percy.

"No!" I yelled, holding on to Percy for dear life. If I couldn't help him then no one could. He's my brother for Hera's sake!

"Please, Courtney! Run! I'll take care of him!" Will pleaded, pulling my chin up so I would look him in the eye.

He was begging me to. I sniffed and nodded, a single tear tracing down my cheek as I looked back at Percy.

Then I realised something. Those Chimeras were the reason he was like that. No one hurts my family or friends. I stood and pulled out my trident.

"You told me to run. You never told where to." I muttered to Will.

And I charged the Chimera army.

So many things passed through my mind as I slaughtered the Chimeras, mostly Carrie and Gage. Percy had a few flashes dedicated to him, and Will. I replayed our kiss over and over in my mind.

I slashed the neck of the final Chimera and stabbed my trident into the dirt to lean against. I took a deep and shaky breath, thinking about Percy. Was he okay? Was he dying while I was just standing here? The more I worried the worse my thoughts were.

I quickly ran to the big house. Percy was lying in one of the beds, either asleep or unconscious, and which I was unsure. I slowly sank to my knees at the edge of the bed and watched him.

Will opened the door and came in. He sat down next to me and took my hand. I bit my lip and layed my head against his shoulder.

"Is he okay?" I asked after a little bit of silence.

"He's going to be fine. He might have to wear a sling for a bit, but that's it. Don't worry about him too much, you're already under a lot of stress from the rest of your life." Will nodded to Percy's left arm.

"...Thank you, Will. For being here. For being nice. For helping my brother. For caring about me." I whispered, hanging my head and staring at the floor.

"Of course, Courtney." Will wrapped an arm around my waist as we stood and continued to watch Percy sleep. "We should let him rest and go see if anyone else is hurt. Come on." Will gently pulled me in the direction of the door.

I let him walk me out the door and back out to camp. There were about three campers limping around, with a few Apollo kids helping them to the Big House. Annabeth suddenly rushed past me and up into the infirmary, obviously to see Percy.

Percy had told me he was going to propose. I smiled slightly, happy to imagine Annabeth and Percy married. My smile faded when I realised that that wasn't going to happen just yet.

"Courtney!" Hailey ran out of the Athena cabin. "What happened?"

"Chimera's happened." Will explained for me, tightening his grip on my waist. Hailey frowned at his arm.

"Is anyone hurt?" Hailey asked. I nodded sullenly. Hailey gasped. "Who? Are they alright?"

"Percy. He's... okay." I mumbled.

Will squeezed my hand. I sniffed and leaned against him. Hailey ran past us to go check on Percy. Will and I kept walking around, Will asking all of the other Apollo kids what had happened to the injured and what he could do to help. I followed him in silence. "Do you really think he'll be okay?" I finally spoke, asking Will what had been running through my mind for the past hour. "He looked awful."

"Yes, he'll be alright." Will reassured me. He hugged me and I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"I'm going to go back to the beach. Take a swim, relax. You want to come with?" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"I wish I could, baby, but I have to go help out with Percy."


Hey guys, sorry it's so late, I kind of had a family thing. 

Thanks to everyone that has stayed with this story, I hope that you continue reading it because it's about to get good.

Sorry this was such a short chapter.

Remember, I'm not scared to kill of characters! Even if the fangirls (and fanboys) come after me!


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