Chapter thirty six: Carrie

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For some reason the girls in Neptuna's cabin kept walking up to me one by one and they would always ask the same question, if I was Greek or Roman. Sometimes they would even walk up to me with a friend while arguing, they would always argue the same thing and who ever argued that I was Greek I would say to them that I was Greek. But those that argued that I was Roman I told them that I was indeed Roman.

But Neptuna was a different story, she actually came to my cabin. The other girls either talked to me at meals or when I was just walking around. I told her that I was Roman but she obviously didn't believe me.

"Only Roman?" She eyed me, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Only Roman." I nodded.

"I don't believe that." She raised an eyebrow and leaned against my cabin doorway.

"Why not?"

"Because. In the lesson, Professor Ricky—"


"He teaches. So I call him professor. Anyways, Professor Ricky said that a demigod can be both Greek and Roman." She suddenly frowned, as if confused and trying to remember something. "And... Saying that you're just Roman, or just Greek... It's... It doesn't seem right." She shook her head, then looked at me. "So, tell me the truth. Are you both?"

I was shocked. She had somehow figured out, with only logic, that I'm both Greek and Roman. I was very impressed with her skill.

"That's not exactly an answer, but thanks." The corners of Neptuna's lips twitched up in a small smile.

"Wait— What?"

"You said you're impressed." She smirked.

Oh, great. I said that out loud. Wonderful. "Well then, you're correct. I am, in fact, both."

"Thank you." She smiled at me.

Gods, she had a gorgeous smile.

Suddenly she blushed scarlet as her eyes widened and her smile faded. She was very stiff now, as she leaned against my door frame, and her hands were tight on her upper arms. She looked down at her feet and her brown hair fell down in front of her face so I couldn't see her.

"N-No I d-don't..." She whispered.

Oh, gods.

I said that out loud too?

But jeez, she looks adorable when she's being shy. I've never seen her shy. And it's so cute.

And now, I'm not thinking with my mind. I'm thinking with my heart. Glancing around, I made sure no one was nearby or could see us. I stepped closer to Neptuna and reached my hand out, placing it under her chin. I gently tipped her face up so I could look into her eyes. She stared back in fear, but also with curiosity and embarrassment.

"You, Neptuna, are gorgeous." I said quietly. She blinked and her blush became darker.

"And you're very, very handsome. C-can I leave now?" She sounded nervous, but unhonest, like she wanted to stay.

I smiled slightly and placed a small kiss on her lips.


But, instead of walking away or leaving, she stayed where she was, frozen. Her jaw had dropped slightly, and her eyes were wide as plates. Her breathing was so quiet and undefined that it looked like she wasn't breathing at all. Her posture was stiff with what I assumed was shock. She was completely silent.

I ran my thumb across her jaw then let go of her chin. I sighed with self-loathing and was about to walk away from her to go to bed, but she gasped suddenly. Bit of a delayed reaction, but I waited for her to slap me and stomp away.

Instead, she slapped a hand over her mouth and she stared at me.

"Y-You just—" She stuttered quietly. "Y-You just k-kissed me!"

"I know, I'm sorry!" I said quickly. "Please, I'm sorry, don't hate me!"

"Hate you? No! No, no, I would never hate you! B-but... Y-you... You j-just..." Neptuna stood up from her leaning position and placed both of her hands on the sides of her head. She stared, wide-eyed, off into space. "I d-didn't know you liked me!" She hissed to herself.

"You... Don't hate me?" I asked in confusion.

"No, not at all! This... Th-this..." Then, without warning, she kissed me.

Immediately I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her against me. She circled her own arms around my neck and smiled into the kiss. I broke away and grinned at her. She grinned back.

"This is awesome." Neptuna whispered.

"Very, very awesome." I agreed.

But then my mind began to work again.

What am I doing? I can't show emotion! I can't let her know I like her! Why did I kiss her? Why didn't I just let her leave? Why didn't I just tell her that I'm full Roman and that she should just go back to her cabin? What have I done?

But all thoughts of my terrible mistake disappeared when Neptuna laid her head on my shoulder and hugged me. I took her at arm's length then thought about Grace. About my parents.

"...Carrie? Are you okay?" Neptuna asked, sounding concerned.

"You need to leave." My face returned to it's normal stony features.

I could feel the emotion drain from my body.

"...Wh-what?" Neptuna sounded hurt.

I prevented myself from telling her I was sorry and asking her to stay by nodding stiffly.

"Leave." I ordered. "This was stupid."

Then, without saying anything, Neptuna shoved my hands off her shoulders and glared at me.

"Thanks." She hissed. "I get it, I'm an idiot for showing emotion. You were an idiot, for letting me see how you really feel. I thought I might have broken the ice, maybe made you seem like a real person for once. Some one who feels things. But I guess not. I guess I'm just stupid for feeling things."

"I only agree with the second part." I spoke, trying not to show that I was lying.

I mentally pleaded with Neptuna, No, I wanted to say. No, please, don't think that. Please, I'm so sorry.

I watched as she ran away, tears in her eyes.

I hated myself for making her cry. I pressed my watch and made sure my bow was secure before I ran into the attic.

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